Back from the Sewers ©2019 JRCoffronIII

Write a story based on this re-imagining of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Donnie Disaster

Based off a HaloSpark comic dub on YouTube

not going to copy word for word the entire video and waste hours like I did last time and almost did for this a few hours ago

nothing you see here will be from the video is what I mean, just what I believe would happen next giving the fact that there isn't a part two


"So, after that dramatic speech about Donnie, what do we do to get him outta there?" Leo asked.

"I don't know..." Raph whispered. "But we have to get him out."

"Maybe Draxum could-"


"Okay..." Mikey sighed.

"Is there anyone we know other than Draxum that could possibly help us?" Leo wondered.

"Big Mama?" Mikey suggested.

"Oh Michael, please stop yo- actually...nevermind. We head to her hotel. Right now." Leo left Donnie's lab and then the Lair with his two brothers in tow.

Inside the brooch in Leo's hand, Donnie's mind buzzed. Stupid deal. He should have never trusted Big Mama even when she made it more 'friendly'. This was all his fault, and now his brothers were about to fall right into her master plan. There was no way they would solve all the puzzles before five days. They would die and Donnie would have to watch.

Soon enough, the turtle trio made it to Big Mama's office.

"Hello, turtley-boos. What brings you three to Big Mama's esteemed office?" She asked.

Leo placed the brooch on her desk. "We were wondering if you could help us get Donnie out of this thing?"

Big Mama pulled it closer and looked over it. Donnie growled inwardly at the smug look in her eyes.

She smirked. "I'm afraid not. Your brother got himself in there with a deal. And the only way to get him out is solving some puzzles I've prepared."

"A deal? What kind of deal? What did you make him agree to?" Raph demanded, slamming a fist on her desk.

"Nothing special. He just agreed to let me take care of you three. The deal was if all of you could solve some puzzles I created to understand how he feels, I would let him out. I'm giving you five days. At the end of five days, if you have not successfully completed every puzzle, you'll each be dead at sunset. And he'll have to stay in the brooch." Big Mama explained with a laugh.

Donnie looked away from Big Mama and at his brothers. He wanted to scream. She hadn't allowed him to communicate with his brothers at all doing this.

"He-he wanted to get rid" Leo stammered.

"No, no that isn't true. Donnie wouldn't..." Mikey trailed off and stared at the floor.

"But he would. Of course he would. We're leaving. And that brooch is staying here. We don't need him. We never did." Leo swung his swords through the air and a crackling blue portal appeared.

"Leo, this is probably just a misunderstanding. We-"

Leo cut Raph off. "It's not a misunderstanding. _He_ made the deal. _He_ wanted to get rid of us. The tech wiz smart mouth. That's all he ever was, and all he ever will be. I said we're leaving without it."

Raph and Mikey looked back hesitantly at the brooch and Big Mama as they approached the portal. Donnie couldn't believe his eyes.

"Good luck, turtley-boos. The puzzles are already out. The clock is ticking...whatever you still decide." she laughed.

The portal disappeared. Big Mama stared deep into the brooch still below her before lifting one hand. A more ghostly version appeared in front of Donnie.

"They- they just..." he trailed off.

"Left? Yeah, I know. How sad. They even called you what you knew you were to them. All you were good for was making new tech. It doesn't seem like they'll come back either." Big Mama smirked.

Donnie growled and started to walk towards her, but the chain around his ankle stopped him midway. "If this wasn't there, I would have killed you by now."

"Seems I need to add more then..." She snapped.

Chains rose from where the original started and clicked around his wrists and other ankle. She laughed a little more and vanished. Donnie yanked against the new chains furiously.

"Your brothers have no interest in solving those puzzles. Better hope they come to their senses sooner or later." Big Mama said from the outside.

"They will! And nothing...will..." Donnie sank to his knees.

"Still so tough for a softshell..." she sighed.


Donnie curled his legs closer to his plastron. A few tears ran down his face. Moonlight streamed through Big Mama's huge office windows.

"They'll- they'll come back, Donatello. Your brothers will come back and they'll solve the puzzles and make up for your mistake." He whispered. "Oh, who am I kidding, they wouldn't after what Big Mama said."

"Don't be so sure." a louder, deeper voice said. "Michael made me come."

Donnie turned inside the brooch toward the voice. Draxum. Of course.

"You can...hear me? How?" he asked quietly.

"I still have mystic powers myself. Not the strongest after the Shredder incident, but still, they're there." Draxum replied. "Let's get you home."

He picked the brooch of the desk and made a purple portal. He walked through and it closed behind them.

"Did you get Donnie?" Mikey's voice asked eagerly.

Draxum held the brooch out. "As you requested."

"Good." Mikey snatched the brooch up. "You said you could hear him, correct?"

"I indeed can. But knowing Big Mama, she definitely told him he couldn't say anything to you three while you were doing the puzzles. If I give you everything he's saying, then she might find out and never let him out." Draxum explained.

"If she finds out, you can get him out right?" Mikey wondered.

"I honestly don't know. This magic is familiar, but not enough for me to use it to get him out. Big Mama is still our only hope, unfortunately. Best we play by the rules for now." Draxum said.

"Okay..." Mikey stared at the brooch. "Donnie, you'll be free in no time. You have my word. _Our_ word."


Puzzle 1 was easy. Puzzle 2 was easy. Puzzle 3 caused a little arguments, but they got it. Two days left to spare and on puzzle 4 of 5. Get past those two and they were home free.


before I go on, I just wanted to say I have absolutely no clue what to make these last two riddles/puzzles. Or any of them for that matter. So I apologize that this sounds stupid. Cause it is. Don't try to deny it.

Onto the final two hours. Let's just say they somehow solved puzzle four and have two hours to finish the last one.


"Leo, hurry up, come on! We only have two hours!" Mikey fretted.

"You can't rush me! This is the hardest one. Maybe stop complaining and _help_?" Leo shot back.

Donnie stared up through the brooch at his brothers. His mind still wouldn't stop buzzing with thoughts of it all ending here.

(90 minutes left)

"Clearly I can't do this myself, so will one of you just please get over here and help me!" Leo shouted.

(60 minutes left)

"Only an hour left guys! I could still really use helpful brothers and not fretful ones!" Leo said.

(30 minutes left)

"Come on, Leo, think. What would Donnie put...?"

(5 minutes left...)

"Raph, Mike-" Leo looked over his shoulder.

(4 minutes... 3 minutes.... 2 minutes...)

"I think I got it! I think I know what this is! Yes, we're so getting you out of there Dee!" Leo exclaimed.

He scribbled something with 30 seconds to spare. The hologram Big Mama appeared behind Donnie for a third time.

"They seemed to have finished all the puzzles." she commented. "Well, a deals a deal. I'll allow you to speak to your brothers now. Tell them to come with the brooch to my office and I'll set you free there." she disappeared again.

Donnie let a small smile cross his face. They had somehow done it. He wouldn't die after all.

"Guys, I um..." He trailed off.

"Did you two hear that?" Leo asked.

"Nope, must have just been the wind." Mikey folded his arms.

"Please, guys. I know I made a mistake! She said all she would do was give you puzzles to...understand how I feel. She said it was friendly. I-"

"You wanted to get rid of us!" Leo shouted.

Donnie sank to his knees, the chains once there had vanished. "Big Mama said to go to her office to take me out of here. But I don't deserve it."

Raph slowly reached for the brooch. Leo pushed his hand away.

"You heard him, he doesn't deserve to be let out." Leo said.

"He's our _brother_, Leo. This whole situation was just a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. And you know Donnie will try to make up for it." Raph explained.

"No, actually he won't." Leo whispered. "Fine, to Big Mama's stinky office it is."

He swung his swords and made a portal. Raph went through first with the brooch tight in his hand. Mikey and Leo followed before the portal closed.

"You made it turtley-boos. Congratulations on solving the puzzles. Unfortunately, I don't like how you managed to solve them all so easily." Big Mama told them. "Might as well say good bye to the purple one now."

She ripped the brooch from Raph's hand and crushed it between hers.

"Hey, you said you would get him out if we solved them all. That was your deal. Had a change of heart, huh?" Leo growled.

"That was before you solved them too quickly. Now I'm going to crush your brother then kill you three." Big Mama laughed.

Mikey reached up and hit the green button by his neck. "Panic button, baby."

"That's what that's supposed to be?" Big Mama questioned.

"Yeah. Made by Donnie himself. Dad should be here any second now." Mikey said confidently.

Vines suddenly burst through the large window behind Big Mama's desk.

"Still aren't using the dimbly door, are you Draxxie?" She asked impatiently.

"Still aren't using real words, Big Mama?" Draxum shot back. "Now release the purple one or this won't end well for you."

"What do you think you could possibly do to make me?" Big Mama wondered.

"This entire hotel is coming down unless you release him. Your choice." Draxum said.

"Must you always do that. I had to rebuild once, I guess I don't feel like doing it again. Fine, I'll get him out." Big Mama grumbled.

The same purple magic that had put Donnie in the brooch swirled around him again. A few seconds later, fresh air hit his face and he glanced down at his hands.

"There he's free. You're welcome and goodbye." She said.

Donnie looked up at his brothers. "I really am sor-"

They launched themselves at him and didn't let go.

"We know you are. And we're glad to have you back. Brother." Raph whispered.

Donnie sobbed and leaned more into his brothers. "I swear, I'm never making a deal ever again."

"None of us are." Leo agreed.

"Orange's panic button went off! Oh good Purple's back."


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