Inspired by EnglihGirl112
She was the most adored girl in the room; all eyes were fixed on her as she waltzed elegantly across the floor. Little did they know the dark secret she was hiding...
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Royal Deception (Part Three)
I woke up in a room that smelled of broken promises and betrayal. The bed was soft, but like the one I always had. I wasn’t in my house though. Where was I?
I slowly opened my eyes. The room was dark. I could see the stone walls and the wooden wardrobe. There was a fireplace that wasn’t lit and a desk that was covered in papers. Where was I?
I sat up and winced. The world around me blurred and pain shot through me. My head. It was injured.
Where was I? How did this happen? The last thing I remember was waking up to kill the king. I was in the castle. I’d gone to my mother. What happened after that?
Was Alaster ok? If he wasn’t, I’d never forgive myself. He meant a lot to me. He was something special, but I couldn’t love him because of this war. I needed to find him.
My vision went out of focus again as a voice popped into my head. His voice was clear as day, yet fogged up like a memory.
“I impersonated you, brother. It’s not a hard thing to do. You’ve got very little brains and a tendency to flirt with any pretty girl you see.”
I remember feeling my heart shatter. I remember feeling like I was a fool. Why? What had happened?
The voice was Alaster’s. I knew that. What had he been talking about? What happened last night?
I got up and grunted. My body was stiff and sore. I felt weak, but trudged to the wooden door. I placed my hand on it and released a breath. I could do this. Whatever this was.
I opened the door. I instantly recognized the hallways. I was in the rebel base.
It worked. The plan had been to poison the king and return here. Did it go to that plan? Did we win? Did we lose? What happened?
I took a ragged breath. I needed to focus. Get information. Find out what happened.
I made my way to the meeting hall. I could hear voices. I knee those voices. Evorana, a strategist. Lucille, a witch. Nereus, a weapons expert. And… Alaster.
My body froze up again. His name didn’t sound right in my head. It felt wrong. Why? What was going on?
I opened the door with a bit of force. They all were there, sitting around a table. They were conversing about something. All of it stopped when they saw me.
“Hope!” Lucille said as she rushed to my side. “Whst are you doing up? You need to rest.”
“No…” I mumbled. I could barely form words. “Ans…answers.”
They all looked at me confused. Lucille placed her hand on my forehead. She was using her magic on me. She was searching my brain. She was looking for my question.
She gasped. “What?” Alaster asked.
Everyone was quiet for a moment or two. “She doesn’t remember a thing about last night.”
I sighed. I nodded. I wasn’t pathetic, but I was injured. I didn’t care. What happened? Did we win? How was I injured? I needed answers.
“You need rest, Hope.” Evorana said. “Lucille, take her back to her room.”
“No!” I shouted weakly. “I’m… fine.”
I would be fine. I needed answers though. They knew me. They knew I’d be fine.
They nodded and I sat down in a chair. They weren’t going to talk without me. I would be here.
My head was so light. My entire head hurt, but I would survive. I had to survive. I would survive. I always did.
“Answers. I need… answers.” I said.
Nereus turned to Alaster. “Davian?” He was asking for permission.
Davian. The name. Davian.
‘“Davian.” Alaster said.
“In the flesh, brother.”
“Our father is dead! All thanks to you and your little servant!”
“I impersonated you, brother. It’s not that hard to. You’ve got very little brains and a tendency to flirt with any pretty girl you see.” Davian said.
My heart shattered. It was all an act. He’d been acting as his brother, acting like he liked me. He’d made me fall for him, but it was all a lie. What a fool I was.’
The world went black.
I woke up back in the room I was in before. I felt better now. The missing piece was there. I knew everything.
I tried getting up, but a strong hand was there coaxing me back down. Him. He was always there, protecting me and helping me. Even when I don’t want it.
“Alaster?” I asked. No. That wasn’t his name. Davian.
“Yes.” He said. Lies. Stop lying. Please.
“No. Davian.”
No reply.
I stared up at him. He looked like a fallen angel. His sky blue eyes looked anguished. Those eyes. God, I hated them.
“Why are you here, Davian?” I asked. I was annoyed. He should leave me alone. I hated him. He had no right to act like he cared for me when I know he didn’t.
“Someone has to take care of you, Hope. We can’t have you passing out every five minutes.” He replied, trying to smirk.
I was angry. He used me. He was a monster. A devil. He would pay for it. I wasn’t going to fall for his tricks again. I wasn’t just a toy to be played with. I was a monsterous rebel. I killed the king.
“Leave me alone.”
Davian was taken aback by my harsh words. “Hope, I’m-“
“You’re what? Sorry that all this happened? Sorry for lying to me? Sorry for using me? Which one, because I know it’s not all of them.”
“You don’t know me.” He was being defensive, but only proving my point.
“Exactly.” I said. “I don’t and I never did. What did your lies accomplish? Getting us to kill your family so you can take the throne?”
“I…” Yes.
I laughed coldly. “Of course. How could I think anything else? You’re Prince Davian. You’re cold and heartless. You don’t care about any of us.”
“Enough.” He said, sternly. “I’m the King now. It’s over. I killed my father and brother to get here. You will show me some respect!”
All his gentleness was gone, but so was mine.
“I killed your father. You killed a weak prince. You were just too coward to show your true face around them.”
“Shut up!”
“No!” I screamed.
I wasn’t thinking anymore. I grabbed a knife and stabbed him. My knife went right to his heart.
Shock filled his eyes. He didn’t realize what just happened. Blood soaked his clothes. His cry was strangled and dying.
King Davian, the cruel and evil twin, was dead. At my hands. I killed him.
~Two Weeks Later~
I was the most adored girl in the room; all eyes were on my as I waltzed elegantly across the floor. Little did they know the dark secret I was hiding. All the murder I took to get here.
I had to kill my friends. They were all holding me back. They didn’t realize who I was. I was heartless. I deserved to be queen. Now, I was.
All the pain and suffering I’d endured. All of it to achieve this one point. It was worth it. I had what I deserved. I was Queen.
More importantly, I was the girl who killed the King and King Davian. I was a Poison Mistress and a Stabber.
I was Queen.