The Last Day

(TW, Suicide warning)

Fifty days, it has been fifty days of war with these alien creatures. One day everything was normal the next, everything and everyone was gone. No one knows where they came from or what they are. Soldiers have been bravely fighting them every day but to no avail. I am writing this letter to hope someday in the future, some form of intelligent life will find this and human kind will be remembered. My life was perfect before this i had a wife and three beautiful children max, poppy and maddie. I am happy that soon i will be seeing them again as the aliens have breached the city walls. Diana, my wonderful wife i am very exited to see you and the kids up in heaven. I find pills would be a better alternative than being eaten alive, I have already eaten enough to kill a horse. Whoever is reading this I hope the world is a better place, and intelligent life can thrive and co-exist with the planet.

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