Write a story in which the sentences rhyme two by two.

Longer sentences, or more varied sentence length, may help this read more like a story than a poem. What themes or styles might work best with this rhyme scheme?

Passion To Pain

I always love tending to my garden,

the sensation of the sun on my back as I dig in the dirt.

Except lately, I’ve felt my knees start to harden,

and the arthritis has caused my hands to hurt.

No one tells you this about old age,

but the things you once loved

are hard to gauge.

And although you haven’t even begun the day it feels like you’ve been shoved.

My garden was once vibrant and lively,

the fruits and veggies were plentiful.

But now it’s been taken over by weeds and poison ivy

and all I can do is watch like a sentinel.

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