Write the story that led to this image
Now you might be wondering...
Now you might be wondering how I got here. My life was all kittens and rainbows before he showed up.
“I’m breaking up with you harry.... You’re too... needy.”
Okay, maybe not all kittens and rainbows but you get the point.
Alls I’m saying is don’t make a deal with the devil before you go skydiving...
or whatever it is you want to accomplish.
because after that... it’s no kittens and sunshine.
-Later that day after school...
“That was a pretty weird speech huh harry?”
“Oh, yeah I guess. It’s not like we could make a deal with old red anyway.”
“He hasn’t been around for centuries.” Harry continues.
“Yeah man... I guess... but why would you want to? I mean... we are literally in heaven.”
“I guess... anyway I’ll catch you later...”
-Later at his mansion.
“Kittens and rainbows huh, kid?” says a man in a dark hood with horns peaking out.”
“Yeah yeah, I saw it... let’s just get this over with.”
“You angels, all of you need a little patience. I guess that’s what an eternity will do to ya.”
and with that, time turned back to the autotorium where charlie gave his speech that he heard earlier that day.
The time loop was complete and desperate darkness would shadow earth for all eternity... but harry didn’t care, being the sun of the devil and all.