Words in work of writing are hardly worth a muse. Went to the store the other day, nearly outta food. Then I saw it clear as day, the worker with the hat. When I told him “I’m dismayed” he asked “Is that a fact?” I told him yes, “I don’t mind saying... I’m working for a lunch. I have a hunch you just don’t care. You’re leader is a dunce.” “It’s like he works to kill the poor and I can’t adore the way he treats the people. If we got him outta there I could soar, and not have to get repo’ed.” “we need things like heathcare, food, and human respect... all he cares for is his hair and his artifacts.”
The man said “I don’t work here”
I said “oh yes you do.” “You wear that “make america great again” hat and if it’s not a ruse to make hate great again you’d better step up and show better stuff if you’re not up to snuff tell your man to back down... damn dude just give bernie the crown”
A conversation between a grocery store worker and a trump supporter..
Now you might be wondering how I got here. My life was all kittens and rainbows before he showed up.
<Flashback> “I’m breaking up with you harry.... You’re too... needy.”Okay, maybe not all kittens and rainbows but you get the point.
Alls I’m saying is don’t make a deal with the devil before you go skydiving...
or whatever it is you want to accomplish.
because after that... it’s no kittens and sunshine.
-Later that day after school...
“That was a pretty weird speech huh harry?”
“Oh, yeah I guess. It’s not like we could make a deal with old red anyway.”
“He hasn’t been around for centuries.” Harry continues.
“Yeah man... I guess... but why would you want to? I mean... we are literally in heaven.”
“I guess... anyway I’ll catch you later...”
-Later at his mansion.
“Kittens and rainbows huh, kid?” says a man in a dark hood with horns peaking out.”
“Yeah yeah, I saw it... let’s just get this over with.”
“You angels, all of you need a little patience. I guess that’s what an eternity will do to ya.”
and with that, time turned back to the autotorium where charlie gave his speech that he heard earlier that day.
The time loop was complete and desperate darkness would shadow earth for all eternity... but harry didn’t care, being the sun of the devil and all.
[File lost]
... Code 3014 <Retrieve conversation> Signoncode;thetraveler.
.../Retrieving post mortem copy//...
Davy: [unintelligible] what do you mean a lie?
{identity unknown}: Well [brief pause] where I come from, we sometimes make things up. You know?
Davy: No, I don't. {respritory response increase; [Stress- MD] heart rate elevated, eyes abnormally wide}
Davy (cont.): You showed up into my life at three o'clock today. You claimed to be from another dimension. You claimed you could help me. You gave me no mention of your motivations.
{Identity not found}: Yeah well you could say I care about you in a way. {Internal feedback offline; no data found}
Davy: Why would I say that? What would my motivations be? {Homeostasis returned}
{Unknown entity}: Nevermind that. [Brief pause] I can't explain everything to you right now. All I know is that you need to read what I wrote down on this paper during the time where everyone expects you to say YOUR {overannunciation} speech. Okay?
Davy: You are here from another dimension and you only know one thing which is that I NEED {overannunciation} to read this at my best friend's wedding? Am I understanding this correctly?
{Identity... Vacant}: Yes.
Davy: I will do this because I need to, but I have some questions I would like to ask you such as "How can you talk if you only know one thing?" and "Are there dogs in other dimensions?" and "Why me?" In no particular order.
{404.}: [Unintelligible gutteral noise exhaling through the mouth]
Davy: Oh my motivations! Are you alright?
{Anomoly}: [continued exasperated noise sounds until a slow halt ending with a "hah"] Things really are different here. Okay! When this is all over I'll tell you my motivations and why you needed to do this, but it won't be here. I'll have to fill you in after.
Davy: [horror only subsided by subdermal chip] {"fill in" comment disregarded and forgotten} Very well.
{Uncontrolled factor}: [voice frequency lowered] and we'll have to do something about that device.
...//Signal redacted and lost/... .../alarm to proper authorities disabled//...
Would you like to hear the local news regarding day 40037-6? Y/N.
<Yes>...:"In other news today, the leader of our civilizations son had a extravigant wedding yesterday morning where there was sunlight. The speech given by often third wheeler Davy took a unexpected rout from the norm informing us all of the subtle mind control we are all currently under. Though shocking for 1.37 seconds our artificial intelligence reminded us that everything was normal and homeostasis was achieved. Through being told that Davy is now a criminal, they have searched for the young man but are unable to make a legal arrest as our information tells us he is no longer here. The recent bride and groom had this to say about the whole event..: |{Transmission overridden}|
{Message recieved} That's enough of the past for one day D. We'll be back for them, I promise
End Session Signal<