Not Superman


There was the most handsome man in the train this morning. He looked like he belonged in a magazine, or in a teenager’s wall as a poster. Tall, you could tell he goes to the gym, but not too much, like fit but not a bodybuilder. What I’d give to see that torso. He reminded me of that actor that plays Superman in the tv series.

Mitch is still on leave, thank heavens for that, so had a quiet one in the office.

I need to remember to buy Em a gift, and figure out what to wear for her birthday party on Friday. Dreading the party already. David will be there.


Clark Kent was in the train again. What are the chances? Maybe he started a new job, or moved flats so we’re doing the same commute now. We locked eyes today, twice. First time I looked away, like quickly. I’m pretty sure I blushed. The second time he smiled at me. I melted a bit, how can he be so handsome.

Boring day at work, used my lunch break to buy Em one of those giant candles that she likes. Have candles always been this expensive?? Also got myself a new dress that, not going to lie here, makes me look HOT. Feeling confident today, bday party bring it on!


OMG Clark talked to me! He was seating in the same spot he always is, and I swear he immediately looked at me when a seat became available next to him. So I sat down, trembling like a little leaf. He asked for my name, his voice soft like honeycomb. “I’m kinda looking forward to the mornings now” he said, and AND I’m not done yet, before he left he put a piece of paper in my hand with his phone number in it!! I’m going to wait a bit longer and message him later tonight, I don’t want to seem too eager.

Also he signed the note as C.K., so chances improving for his name to be actually Clark Kent - how insane would that be? Perhaps he’s a Calvin Klein, which would be pretty funny too.

This is shaping up to be an incredible how I met your father story.


Clark wasn’t on the train this morning. BUT we’ve been messaging non-stop since last night. He’s funny and sweet and seems genuinely interested in me. How is this even possible? Like, alright I’m cute but sort of in a real world, girl next door kinda way. He could literally date a supermodel. What is he seeing in me?

He wanted to meet on Friday, but I’ve got Em’s stupid party. I suggested Saturday but he said he can’t wait until Saturday? He insisted quite a bit on Friday, even suggested he’d pick me up from my sister’s place. Is this how much he wants to see me?

I feel giddy like I didn’t think I’d feel again, as if a thousand butterflies have taken flight in my stomach.


I didn’t see C.K. in the train today either, but we continued messaging. He has suggested that we meet before the party. The temptation to say yes was strong, but I know myself well enough not trust my ability to leave this man to go anywhere, especially to endure the awkwardness of singing a happy birthday song alongside David and his new girlfriend. Nope, that’d be too hard and Em would never speak to me again if I didn’t show up. I’ll have to play hard to get and stick to Saturday.

I have to head to the party now. I feel more ready than ever to face David. Thank you, Superman.



The body of young woman, still to be identified, has been found early on Saturday morning in what seems a bloody rite.

Experts believe the murder was committed on Friday evening, at around the time of the Hybrid Eclipse, an extremely rare type of eclipse where the moon doesn’t completely cover the sun, creating a “ring of fire” effect.

The victim was found with a deep burn on her back in the shape of a circle.

An individual bearing the initials C.K. has been taken into custody as a person of interest in an ongoing investigation.

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