Write a story through diary entries or letters discovered in an abandoned house.

Epistolary stories can offer unreliable narrators and incomplete narratives, giving you space to add mystery, confusion, or intrigue to your story.

Dear Reader

Dear Reader, I assume you’ve found this house abandoned and are full of questions as to why. Remove those questions from your mind and listen to my advice: Turn back and don't play sleuth. You do not want to know what has happened here. Leave.

- Jane

Dear Reader, you’ve found my second letter which means you haven’t taken my advice to leave. A most unwise decision but typical of a curious sort which I can only assume you are. In this assumption, I placed this note in plain sight knowing someone like you would go straight to the coffee table to look for clues. Once, I admired curious minds but now I abhor them. Again, I ask, no I beg you to turn back. Please.

- Jane

Dear Reader, I see you didn't listen to my advice. You’ve probably spent minutes searching for some big clue and haven't yet noticed the front door you left ajar is now closed. Forever locked. Don't bother trying to open it because well, you’re trapped. Also don't feel hopeless about this current circumstance as you aren't a prisoner of this house because I will guide you to freedom. My only request is you kill your curiosity as it will only grant you misery. Stop seeking answers! Now, if you’re keen on getting out of here, I advise you to try the window on the second floor. It’s open and your only chance out but only if you’re quick. Hurry!


Dear Reader, I see you didn't take my advice again and so you’ve found my fourth letter. I hid it amongst my personal belongings and I must ask you if you would like it if someone went through all of your stuff? I’m guessing you’d be appalled and feel quite violated. You’ve probably taken a look at my diary and wondered who Ivan is. I ripped out the pages of all my personal moments with him to stop prying eyes from knowing too much. Those pages were burned so you’ll never know. Now, I know I told you there was but one other exit and that exit is probably locked now but don’t worry as there is another means to escape. Go to the attic and if you're as savvy as you think you are you’ll find a hidden door. Once you find it, leave and never look back.

— Jane

Dear Reader, you are still here I presume as you’re reading my fifth letter that I hid away under the kitchen table. Why? No, that is not a rhetorical question, I need you to tell me why. Why are you so interested in uncovering this mystery?


Dear Reader, you’ve found my sixth letter and I presume you found the key along with it. This key will unlock an answer but not a fulfilling one. I beg you, do not use this key. Find a way to escape! Anyway, you can, please just free yourself! Step away from the allure of unraveling a mystery and dance in the joy of freedom. I know I wished I enjoyed my freedom more.


Dear Reader, you opened the trunk and found a body. It belonged to a woman whose curiosity was a blazing fire. Her name was Jane. It is my body that you’ve found. I was killed by a ghastly entity, who took the shape of a man I thought I loved. Ivan. I used to speak his name over and over as I wrote of our whirlwind romance in my diary. Our love ended on the coldest night in winter when our last date ended up with me dead and stuffed in a trunk. After I died, he inhabited my body. You see, Ivan never had a physical form when we met so to me he was just this beautiful man who haunted my attic. A ghost. When he spoke of life he spoke of it as something he never wanted to have again but it was all a lie. He didn't stay in my body long and when he found his ideal body I was stuffed back in this trunk. I wrote these letters with the help of the one who came before you. They were a vessel I couldn’t hold onto for long but you…you are perfect. I warned you so many times to free yourself. You cannot hate me for what you’ll experience next. You've probably noticed you've been experiencing headaches that grow in intensity the more you explore this house. I am the source of those headaches and well, the longer you stayed the weaker you became so I could so easily take over you. Become you.

I warned you. I didn’t want this, but thank you for giving me a new chance at life.

— Your new inhabitant, Jane.

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