This Probably Sucks… But That’s Okay!

I was doing over 120 km/h as I came up on the bulldozer and wrecking ball in the distance.

My heart began racing in fear as I saw the bulldozer back up and prepare to swing the wrecking ball. The target building was, as I feared, the dance studio where I had made so many hip hop memories with Xander and his friends.

As I continued to barrel straight towards a high-speed collision, I thought of all of the memories I had from that place, and the hurt I had caused Xander. I thought of the time we had a blast at that party together. I thought of the time when I nearly killed his younger brother in an accident.

Then I jumped out of the car right in the nick of time.

As I rolled and tumbled on the ground, I heard the most deafening crash I had ever heard in my lifetime. Then I felt my body being littered with small pieces of shrapnel and metal. I turned around to see the giant bulldozer falling to the ground, taking the 3000 pound wrecking ball down with it.

The dance studio still stood there, untouched. “Hey, I’m okay!” I heard a voice suddenly call out.

I noticed Xander’s younger brother walking out of the studio.

I passed out.

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