Sapphire’s Sanctuary

[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 13]

[Amelya’s point of view]

(Sapphire sanctuary, main chamber)

Quill had brought Sapphire cloths, jeans and a camisole shirt. Which fit perfectly on her small figure.

Amelya was hugging the steps only a foot away from the young vampires feet.

“She’ll need much rest. Take her and her pair up to my chambers “ Sapphire spoke with power. Such a small girl, but the bass was of an immortal being.

“Yes my mistress” Quill came over to help Cleo pull her up.

“You have done well Amelya.” Sapphire rubbed her back as they passed toward the stairs.

[Jayden’s point of view]

Watching Cleo and Amelya move up the steps.

Monticello was quick to move toward the young looking immortal.

“What is the plan?” He asked, trying not to anger the girl.

“We will talk after I see my people.” She cut it off, and started to follow Emory towards the stairs.

After they were out of ear shot. Sampson moved closer to Monticello and Warren. Nela just stood looking out at the waterfall, her two wolves listen to the conversation.

“Did you know she could do that??” Monticello questioned.

“Not a clue. That girl is something else for sure. Hopefully her loyalty lies with us and not the originals” Warren added in, rubbing his temples.

“She was a human a few days ago. Now she’s a vampire who can awaken originals?” Sampson looked at Jayden. “ Do you know anything about her power?”

“She can read minds…. That’s all I know. This other stuff is news to me” Jayden replied honestly, knowing full well Amelya could hear his thoughts if she had enough strength.

“We need to keep an eye on her.” Warren spoke next. “If she’s got more power she could be a dangerous wild card”

“That girl is pure of heart. No need to worry yourself about her power or intentions.” Nela waved her boys towards the stairs. “So hopefully you all know that”

Jayden agreed, he’d seen no ill will in Amelya.

[Amelya’s point of view]

Sapphire’s room was at the far end of the sanctuary, up over the third floor. They had only encountered a hand full of vampires crossing the sanctuary.

“Our numbers are very low. Most of everyone left except for Quill and a handful are newly turned “ Emony started as the got to the room door.

“Assemble everyone and bring them to the ceremony room. We will address everyone there” Sapphire bowed as Emony took off, Quill at her heels.

“How are you feeling?” Sapphire turned to Amelya, having to look up due to her height.

“Ok…. Drained” Amelya replied weakly.

“Have you both consecrated your union as a pair?” Amelya turned a bright red as Sapphire asked but Cleo quickly turned.

“No…” Cleo said flatly, looking for anything of Sapphire’s face that would change her mind on weather she liked her.

“Ok. I was gonna bleed for you. So you could heal. But it could mess up your pairing “ Sapphire stepped into the room.

The floor kept the same marble as the rest of the sanctuary. Except that it was inbeded with a combination of Sapphires, Rubys, and Emeralds. The bed was very large, silk sheets nearly the color of her hair.

“Oh ok” Cleo spoke out, running her finger over the dusty dresser and other furniture. “Been a while since you been here”

“It sucks being an original…. I watched Emerald and Ruby being tossed into their caskets. Only for me to be next…..” She dropped her head, plopping down onto her bed. “I understand though…… everyone just wants to survive…..”

“Still your own house put you all in boxes” Cleo helped brush off the dust on the covers.

“I should be mad…. But I’m not….. I just want to see my sisters again” Sapphire rubbed away a few tears and looked up at Amelya. “Can you read my mind?”

Amelya focused on the girl but could only hear everyone around them. Fear from most of Sapphire’s people, fear from the rest of their group down by the casket…… , hope in Emony and Quill, and the wolves ascending the stairs seemed to just be along for the ride.

Nothing from Sapphire…..

“No I can’t “

“That’s what I figured…. I can read yours though.” Amelya shuffled a bit. “Your not sure about yourself, why you can raise us. Why you have this connection to us”

“Your right….” Amelya said.

“You are also head over heals with Cleo” Sapphire giggled a bit. “But you also think Nela is a very sexy wolf”

Nela stepped into the room and Cleo sighed.

“She is surely a fine specimen “ Cleo added in winking at the lost wolf girl.

“Where you all talking about me?” She laughed.

“See I am kinda jealous…” Sapphire looked at the girls. “You all seem really good friends”

“Weirdly enough we only just met them yesterday “ Cleo nodded her head toward Nela and the goons who stayed outside the room.

“I guess trauma brings people together “ Nela added in jumping onto the bed and letting the dust fly into the air. “Welp I’m hungry now”

“Me too” Cleo said gazing at Amelya.

“None of that!” Sapphire’s cheeks turned a bit red with Amelya’s. “Cleo you are ridiculous”

“So you all don’t eat anything food wise?” Nela asked.

“Only blood”

“We’ll that’s nasty” Nela laughed.

“Welp. We might need to go get some grub” Amelya tried to stand up, but quickly fell into Cleo’s arms.

“Rest” Sapphire used her pointer finger like a mom.

“Nela and the wolves can bring you back something”

“Guess we should all leave her be” Cleo added in, sneaking a kiss as the other two headed to the door.

“My people need to know I am alive” Sapphire was met by Quill and Emony as the door opened.

“Sleep well beautiful “ Cleo whispered closing the door.

[Cleo’s point of view]

They all found themselves splitting up. Nela and the other two wolves headed for the front of the sanctuary. Cleo met up with Jayden in the ceremony balcony, with the other men.

“Guess you figured she was safe without you? Or did you leave the muts to protect her?” Warren questioned as she sat down next to Jayden.

Instead of a retort, she just ignored him.

“There’s not nearly thirty vampires down there” Jayden changed the subject before stuff got more hostile.

“We expected numbers here” Sampson mumbled honestly.

“We don’t have numbers, but we surely have an original on our side thanks to Amelya “ Monticello added in. “Maybe we have more to learn before we get the numbers”

“I don’t trust those wolves or the originals. Very skeptical of your girly too” Warren glared at Cleo.

“Probably because your a lone act. Doesn’t work well with others” Cleo hissed as Sapphire walked out on center stage.

Instead of the common cloths from her room. Sapphire was adorned with a very large sapphire pendant, a dress that matched it nearly perfectly and heels.

“House Sapphire!” She shouted out to the small crowd.

Everyone seemed unsure of who she was.

“I am your maiden. Sapphire the original.” She smiled as a few people gasped. “Your numbers are down, I hear hunters are to blame. Fighters will be needed in the coming days to protect us.”

A few people stood up, bowing at their seats. Quill and Emony bowed by her side on the stage. More started to join the bow, once they saw Emony do it.

“The people are hers” Warren mumbled.

“After that. We will be moving out to find my sister Ruby”

“You will leave us?” A few in the audience questioned.

“We will all be going. My father is close, he will be coming to find and destroy the lines that didn’t side with him” Sapphire watched a bit of panic spread like fire across the small crowd.

“May I speak Mistress!” Sampson’s voice boomed across the room. She answered with a bow. “We are all from house Emerald.”

Sampson pointed to everyone on the balcony. Even though Warren was actually an international criminal type and assassin for hire.

“Our head of house brought Onyx back from his prison with the help of a very powerful witch. They will soon be moving this way if our assumptions are correct. He’s not interested in taking prisoners, after killing two of our council seats.” Warren scoffed.

“Those old hags couldn’t fight anyway” he added in.

“We will all help fight the hunters and will be there to find house Ruby” Sampson sat down after, nodding back to Sapphire.

“As our new friends just stated. All of us vampires are going to be moving towards war. Together we are unstoppable “

Black smoke poured into the room from the entryway. Springing together into the center of the crowd. A head formed above her subjects, a face she hadn’t seen in many a century.

“Sapphire!” Onyx chuckled as the crowd fell silent. “How are you daughter? Never mind that. Wow not many vampires in here.” The head shook around, eyes falling to the balcony. “Of course you all are here. Tisk tisk…. Sampson. Even brought your assassin buddy.”

“What do you want?” Sapphire shouted as the wind inside started to whip around.

“Join me. We can be a family again. Rule the whole vampire and human world with an iron fist”

“I refuse “

“Well have fun trying to save Emerald. She’s traveling with me. Going to get your oldest brother.”

His head continued to turn looking around. “You don’t have a chance, just leave this foolishness and join us.”

“We will never let you take the world”

“Well I hope you enjoy the hunters as they rip your sanctuary apart”

Then silence, the smoke just gone. Like it was never there in the first place.

“Warriors to the opening of the sanctuary. Everyone else stay here. “

In a split second half the entire crowd was running for the doors.

“We need to find Amelya “ Jayden whispered to Cleo.

“She is in Sapphire’s room” Cleo answered.

“We need to help them hold the line outside. Before we worry about your pretty girly “ Warren leaped off the balcony a smile on his face.

“Lord help those hunters” Monticello shook his head, standing up and following behind the assassin. Sampson in toe behind them”

“Make sure you secure Amelya!” Sapphire shouted to Cleo. “Onyx might have had other motives “

Cleo and Jayden swiftly followed orders. Zipping off the balcony and out into the foyer. Then headed toward the third floor, only to be met by a hearty laugh.

A barrier of water sat just outside of the door. But it was wide open. Amelya lay lifeless on the bed, Onyx’s witch just beside her. Rubbing her face and hair.

“Get your hand off her witch!” Cleo screamed, smacking the water with her fists. It didn’t falter.

“Your quiet the pesky bunch of little brats” She laughed, trailing her fingertips down her neck. “ I could end her right now. Save Onyx the headache “

“Your gonna die by my hands I swear it!” Jayden rushed the wall, only to slip into it.

“Now what pretty?” The witch slipped her fingers away and slipped back toward the water wall with Jayden trapped inside.

“Don’t hurt them…..” She cried out.

“Bleed her now…… and come with me” The witch let a small hole form in the water wall.

Cleo could feel and see Jayden screaming no. As she swept slowly into the room, the water still open behind her.

“Take her blood with your own fangs. Then we will be off to Onyx”

“Why does he need her blood?”

“If you don’t , she dies. I’ll use all her blood then” The witch smiled as Cleo moved to the beds edge.

It was the pairing ritual they hadn’t done. Passion between lovers of the vampire community was written and conceived through blood. A blood oath to pair.

Cleo wiped away a single tear from Amelya’s eyes. She was awake, frozen in some sort of spell. Hearing and seeing it all. Cleo started to weep. Kneeling next to her head.

“I love you, please forgive me” She whispered, planting a single kiss on her lovers lips.

Before she turned Amelya’s neck and sunk fangs in deep. Each of them moaned for a second, sucking her blood felt like a surge of power was entering her body. It was heavenly, like nothing she’d tasted before.

“Cleo!” Nela was practically naked. Falling back into human form to fit through the wall of water.

“Bye” The witch hissed pulling the very smoke around her and Cleo and disappearing.

[Amelya’s point of view]

It was the ritual….. the bite….

Nothing before had prepared her for that. Passion and need, yet now replaced with sadness. Tears flowed like rivers, yet no sound left her mouth.

Nela was off on the floor, Jayden some ways behind her. Yet Cleo was gone….. Paired to her and gone.

“I guess it was all in vein” She wept.

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