by Daniel Jensen @ Unsplash

Write this character's story.

Why Me!

My name is Jaci! I was 17 years old and I had so much life ahead of me! I had great friends and wonderful parents and a new boyfriend that I would die for! Wait I didn’t mean literally did I?

It was Friday October 16th and I was getting for school it was the last day until fall break! I decided to be lazy and ware sweatpants and a hoodie! “ jaci hurry up your gonna be late mom yells “ I’m coming mom!

As I make my way downstairs I smell the sweet smell of freshly baked muffins! “ good morning honey” mom says. Morning mom! Oh mom I won’t be home right after school, a couple of school friends and Jason wanna go hiking! “ oh Jaci honey you know I don’t trust Jason” mom please don’t start with that he’s a good guy! ( or so I thought)

The school day dragged and I was just so ready to go hiking I really couldn’t contain my excitement! Have you noticed how different Jason has been acting Emily asked? “ I don’t think he’s acting different he may not feel good”! He hasn’t been talking to you all day! Was Emily right had Jason been acting different! Of course not come on jaci you know your boyfriend better than anyone right?

Who’s ready to go hiking Ben says with excitement! Guys this is gonna be so fun and our first official adventure of fall break! Jaci had seemed distracted! She wondered where Jason was! Ben said alright my ladies let’s get this show on the road! As me and Emily climbed into his truck I can’t help but feel like something is off! Maybe it’s just my stomach! Has anyone seen Jason I asked hoping they would say something useful! “ not since last period and he left like 45 mins before school was over! He looked kinda crazy like the look in his eyes where like he’d seen a ghost or something Ben said “

Omg this is so pretty Emily squealed! It’s so breathtaking and it’s right next to a beach! “I’ve texted Jason and called 5 times where is we he? “ was my mom right can he not be trusted! Ok girls since I’m the only guy I need y’all to stay close to me so I can protect you Ben says! “ oh Ben in your dreams Emily says ! We set out on the hike and I still feel like something is gonna happen! We have been hiking for at least two hours and we have finally reached out destination! Omg it’s so pretty up here I say! Emily and Ben agree! Omg let me run and grab my camera and we can take a picture Ben said! Ben it’s gonna take you two hours! No it won’t not if you two slowpokes don’t go he says laughing!

Me and Emily stare off the cliff looking into the beach and it’s so peaceful and relaxing! Jaci I’m sorry that Jason bailed on us Emily says! “ it’s ok Emily I have you and Ben” my phone started buzzing and I have 13 text messages from an unknown number! Emily saw the look on my face and asked if I was ok! Theses messages are scary someone is talking about killing me! Saying how since I’ve been in there life I’ve done nothing but make it a living hell! What are you gonna do Emily ask! “ send them to Jason he’s my boyfriend he’ll take care of it” it was getting late and Ben still wasn’t back I called him and he said he was looking for his camera still! When I got off the phone I turned to see what I was a horrible scene!

Omg Emily nooooo! No Emily I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have been on the phone! How did I not hear her yell or struggle! There laid my best friend dead and covered in blood with her eyes missing! What was supposed to be a beautiful day was a nightmare! I panick and tried to call Ben but he wasn’t answering! As I pace back n forth thinking of what to do I heard something in the bushes so I won’t closer to see what it was!

I freaking hate nature why did I think this would be fun! What if what happened to Emily happens to me! Then what! Just then someone or something hits me and everything goes black! When I come too I see a face it’s a fimilar face! It’s Jason! Jason I said with excitement you made it! Omg Jason someone killed Emily we have to get out of here! “ I KNOW someone killed Emily because that someone was me Jaci! I pretend I didn’t hear the words that just came out of my beautiful boyfriend’s mouth! Maybe I was just hearing things when I got hit in the head!

Jason you killed Emily? I asked! Just then Jason started getting closer to me and something inside me was telling me to run! I got up and ran as fast as I could upwards to the head of the cliff! As I’m running I’m thinking “Why me” why does this always happen to me! You can run Jaci but you can’t hide Jason yells” Jason has finally caught up to me and I find myself asking” what did I ever do to you” oh baby you never did anything “ that’s the point you thought you where to good or you were always so stuck up! We always have to hang out with your dumb friends! We’ll one of them now Jason laughs darkly! Get away Jason I yell! “ oh silly girl no one can hear you!!!! He tried to hit me and I blocked it but then he pushed me and I feel back off the cliff!!!

As I hold on to this tree branch covered in blood and cuts I keep thinking to myself “ why me” my mom was right! I heard someone scream and I realized it was Ben! I started yelling for him to help me! As he helps lift me up from the cliff he asked why am I covered in blood and cuts and I told him I will explain in the car! Right now we need to leave! As where driving I explain to Ben what happened! What the fuck are we gonna go Jaci”! Right now Ben we need to go to my house! We can call the cops and talk more there! But we need to be somewhere safe!!!! I wonder if he’s still out there running and trying to hide but can’t help but think Why me!

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