Inspired by Grégorienne

Write a short story from the point of view of the villain.

Channel your inner baddie!

The Blowfly Chronicles

We all have flaws. So why am I always the one in trouble with mine?

People should be on their hands and knees thanking me for what I do. I kill bad men. If the innocent accidentally die in my quest to cleanse the world of scum, well, no one’s perfect.

That’s why Maxwell Turner, the famous NYPD detective is on my trail. I suppose I have too many innocent bystanders deaths on my hands.

Some would even argue that the bad men desired to live. To those ignorant people, I would say you wouldn’t say that if your loved ones were hurt by one of them. Like Jack Upton, who was selling poisonous drugs to kids. And one of those kids, Alicia King overdosed and died. He got what he deserved by my hand and I know the King family is at peace with his death.

And another thing, I’m no cruel murderer. My method of killing is to use Karin blowfly pesticide mixed with bleach. This produces a gas that quickly and painlessly puts the target to sleep and then death.

So, is my system perfect — no. But it’s better than what police can do.

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