submitted by Noah Herodias
Overnight, you've become the world's most unpopular scientist...
The Start To The End Of The World
I had finally done it! I had finally created my first cure… however the side effects, those were something one would never want. The cure was for all sickness. Now I don’t test on animals. Never will I ever harm an animal. Not unless they are on death row. I had gotten permission by a prison in Vermont, to test on the ones who murdered and ‘harmed’ children. My first test only paralyzed the men, next it killed a few. But soon it was a success… that was until every man I tried it on blew up. As I went to rid of it… it had somehow gotten into the water supply of Vermont. Men all over started to blow up. In the shower, the bed room, at church. This was all to much. As if it could get any worse, they tested the water, finding my DNA in it. It was all over the news. Head lines read: MAD SCIENTIST POISONS WATER, WORSE THAN DAHMER. I was soon arrested, being placed in permanent solitary confinement. No male guard would be placed on my case. This was something I could have never imagined. I had never felt like a failure… but that was the whole purpose right. I got rid of the main people who put me through hell.
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