
I mourn what could have been,

For a moment, I thought I saw the world in your eyes,

Warm pools of dark chocolate tempting the walls around my chest,

Under the snow which graced my lashes,

I thought I saw what it meant to sink,

To rediscover the expanse of my own heart,

I discovered to yearn through touch,

A touch that considerate me in its highest regard,

I discovered to breathe through your lips on mine,

A warmth to combat a loneliness etched deep into my soul,

I discovered who I am through your presence,

Amidst the masks it was you who tore it apart,

You, who saw the wrath of feigned ugliness,

Reaping life from my expression,

You, who lifted my distorted hands to soothe them,

You, tugging my head into your lap beneath a blanket of silence,

Gone in an instant, all of it,

Oh how hard I tried to keep it all,

The affection,

The attention,

The way you looked at me,

It all fell through my fingers like sand whisked away by gravity,

Back to Earth it fell,

Back to Earth I fell,


Why kiss what you won’t claim?

Why paint my skin with touch only to leave your canvas unfinished?


To yearn for another is a curse,

And I mourn what could have been.

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