Submitted by Margaret Sok

Write a poem or story around the theme of 'Lonely Together.'

Platonic Soulmates

You’re deeply depressed

I’m a total mess

We both have families

That leave us kinda stressed

So we spend our time in the dark

Texting and scrolling

Laughing together

Over stupid memes you show me

I text you late at night

When you know I can’t sleep

You text me in the mornings

‘Cause I know you need me

We both have a bout of depression

In 2020, late may

In our empty apartments

That drive us crazy

So you text me first

Then I text you back

I remind you you’re loved

You calm my panic atack

In the eye of a storm

With the whole world dying

We’re lonely together

But lonely is fine

To ~O,

for keeping me sane

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