
Bursts of blue and red

The darkness bled

Fire raced through the skies

Right before my eyes

Booms and crashes

Bright colors in flashes

The colors rained down

Erasing every frown

I remember the sounds

The cries of the hounds

The laughter and smiles

Bangs echoing for miles

The smell of the smoke

The feel of a cloak,

Keeping me warm

From winter’s harm

My eyes were open with wonder

The fireworks sounded like thunder

They painted the stars anew

In their heavenly hues

Starbursts of color filled the skies

Reflecting in my starstruck eyes

Which were blue pools of awe,

Taking in what I saw

The grass grew cold

But the show had me in its hold

I sat rooted to the spot

Without a train of thought

They sounded like gunshots

They had my stomach in knots

As I stared above the trees

Listening to the firework sprees

Not another sound stirred

Not the chirp of a single bird

The light was dazzling

It sent my brain frazzling

Nothing can compare

To the joy I felt under the star’s glare

On New Year’s Eve

Sitting upon a frost heave

I watched the minutes tick by

As the fireworks burst in the sky

The year slipped from one

And the next one begun


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