Submitted by Arnold Carroway

Write a scene that takes place in mid air.

It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.


When Icarus fell

On his wings of wax

Did he sob and weep?

No, he threw his head back.

His laugh filled the air

The joy in his heart

His smile so bright

He was willing to part

With the world he had known

So cruel and so dark

In these moments of freedom

He sang like a lark

The pain he ignored

Just for this once

He let himself grin

Though all called him dunce

They looked on in shock

In horror and fear

Then they would mock

his bravery, and sneer

“That boy is too wild,

To hopeful and free

He is only a child

He should learn not to be

So selfish and stupid

So free willed and dumb

Who is his father?

What has he done?”

But Icarus flew

If only for a moment

He touched the sky

And sank into the ocean

He laughed all the way

Through the pain and the doubt

He regretted it none

And loved how he felt

So selfish and stupid

So free willed and dumb

He ignored all the guilt

All the comments and sneers

As he flew to the sun

He had nothing to fear

Though it melted his wings

And burned at his skin

He’d tasted the freedom

He’d flown in the wind

And then down he fell

While the others looked on

He smiled all the way

And proved them all wrong

He flew on his wings

And threw his head back

He cackled with joy

And that was the last

They heard of brave Icarus

The selfish and stupid

The free willed and dumb

They all told the story

Of the boy with wax wings

They said to be wary

Of what ambition brings

They said it was wrong

How Icarus flew

But try for yourself

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