
Thereā€™s no curse more twisted than love. She knocked me down, my head pounding as it fell on the icy gound with a thud. She looked at down at me like I was less than human. Like I was just another body to her. I try to pick myself up, but she kicks me, my side throbbing with pain almost immediately.

I hate to admit it, but Iā€™m happy. Iā€™m happy that sheā€™s the last person I see before I draw my final breath. My eyes flutter closed, my surroundings becoming blurred as the pain started to subside. The letters from months ago seemed to rush back to me, as the last thought I could form.

ā€˜Dear Aspen,

Iā€™m so sorry for not writing back for the past couple weeks! Iā€™ve just been so busy after being appointed as the new military commander in training. Iā€™m sure that youā€™ve been busy as well, since we left. Iā€™ve made so many new friends, and theyā€™ve all been so kind to me. We train vigorously, usually Iā€™m wiped out as soon as the training ends. But I love it, the feeling of adrenaline pumping through my veins. I love the feeling of being tired and sore but being able to push through it. How have you been? Weā€™ve achieved the same role, just like in our school days, remember that? When we would just argue and bicker on and on? To think that it was only a few months ago. Write back soon, okay?

Stay safe,

Raein Divine.ā€™

Our school days. I took them for granted. I took all the classes we had together for granted. I took our studying sessions together for granted. I took the laughs we had during lunch for granted. I took her smile for granted. We used to be able to just be kids. Now I had to choose between my kingdom or her. I had to choose between killing her for my kingdom, or letting her kill me.

ā€˜Dear Rae,

I, as well, have been terribly busy lately. Our training has progressed from being physical into more mental and strategic. Weā€™ve been tested on what would be the best move to take in case of emergency. We should meet to catch up again some time. We havenā€™t talked in person ever since we were pulled out from school to fulfill these roles. I think itā€™s an incredible coincidence that we both have the same role! Iā€™d like to congratulate you, though youā€™re only a month younger than me. Your birthday just passed a day ago, I was supposed to surprise you, but my mother didnā€™t allow me. She told me to focus on my training, since itā€™s the most important thing right now. Happy 16th! I hope this letter finds you well since you think your birthday is cursed. But I think that itā€™s blessed, since you were born on that day. I heard my father talking about how we were going to war with a nearby court, and it slightly scares meā€”the thought of actual war. I must rest now, but please keep in touch.


Aspen Kae.ā€™

We never got to say goodbye before we left. We just smiled and waved. I wish I could go back. I would have never accepted this position if I could.

ā€œDear Aspen,

What a coincidence. My mother was talking about how she was going to wage war against a nearby court as well. We may see eachother sooner than we thought! I think weā€™re going to attack a rival court, how exciting is that? When I see you, we can talk for hours and hours, just like we did before!

Much love,

Raein Divine.ā€

I didnā€™t have the chance to write back. My people and hers fought against each other.

ā€œDear Aspen,

how could you? How could you do that? I saw you on the battlefield. I saw you kill them. I saw you kill my friends. We werenā€™t even at war. You killed them for the fun of it! What is wrong with you? You said that you were scared of war, yet your actions show that youā€™re so open to it.



ā€œDear Raein,

they attacked me first! They were at fault, they were trying to kill me first. I did what I had to. I donā€™t know what your side has been telling you, but itā€™s just not true! I care about you deeply, I never knew that my people would do that to yours. I never thought that it would happen, I swear. Please, it is not because of me. I did not order it.


Aspen Kae.ā€

ā€œDear Kae.

Our kingdoms have reached a peace agreement, yet you still insist on having more death. If you wonā€™t change, then I just have no choice. I donā€™t want any more of my people to die. If I had to choose between you, and my subjects, my subjects will be the one to survive. My subjects are everything to me, Kae. I cannot choose you over them. I will _never_ choose you over them. ā€

Thatā€™s my Raein. She wonā€™t put any effort into trying to change something that cannot be. I never had the chance to write back. I received the letter the day before the real war was waged. My father only declared war because he thought thatā€™s what I needed to stop being so empathetic. He thought that making me choose between my people and the love of my life would make me a better ruler. I chose her. I chose her because I love her. I chose to die for her, and it made me happy. The most twisted curse became my downfall.

A/n : Thank you so much for reading all this! Iā€™m a teenager trying to practice her writing skills, Iā€™m sorry if itā€™s badly written.

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