Write a story focusing on the moments before someone passes away on their 100th birthday.
Make this an emotional story, focusing on how different characters react and process the situation.
Last Glimmer Of Light
«You know, I have always wanted a sunset to be the last thing I see before closing my eyes» said John, casting a quick look at his wife that was listening with full attention. His eyes were flickering, reflecting the bursts of fiery coloured clouds.
Edna understood the message immediately, and even though it felt like a million needles had pierced her heart, her face showed the same expression of warmth and calmness. The grass crumpled under her gentle touch and her hand found a bunch of wildflowers.
«Then, I wish you to cover me with flowers one last time.»
His fingers started to flee in her hair, making various patterns and adorning them with daisies, celandine and bluebells. When the work was done and Edna’s head was beaming with blossom, he enclosed her in an embrace, hiding a tear rolling down his cheek.
And the couple ended up lying on top of the hill, their spirits merging into a single essence. A warm breeze played with their hair, fluttering the petals in the air and carrying them away to the ruby-red sky. They were watching clouds passing by until the last glimmer of light. And, in the end, their hearts stopped at once.