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"You'd have to be an absolute fool to believe that!"
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Diary Of A Mad Cosmopolitan ex. 1
Cult of the cosmos
Masturbating in the church bathroom
Bleeding onto the safety pins on the tile floor
Death by monotony or familiar fear
I want to vomit
Empty myself of all the garbage you fed me
My internal organs pink, tinged copper
Because poison leaves it’s mark on little girls
I want surgical scalpels between my ribs
I want to appear like my own savior
I want to keep you up all night
Breaking into abandoned buildings because the key is called “forbidden”
I want the hems of my jeans to get caught beneath the wheels of my skateboard
I want other dead kids to sing us to sleep
Whenever we want
I want pomegranate juice on my face
And I want to perform an anatomy study on your hands
I want your ribs against mine
When I stole the key we didn’t take the time to think
I’m tasting green eyes. Your tongue in my mouth before I even lock the door
I want our sin to taste holier than any communion supper
I’ve only ever fallen asleep unafraid in your embrace
I wash your hair and you wash my back
The scent of coffee is better with clean clothes and wet hair