'I should have known that meeting them would lead to something like this.'

Write a story that begins or ends with this line. Who does the character meet, and what leads to thinking or saying this?


‼️ TW ‼️ ‼️SELF HARM‼️

I watched the flame of ember melt my skin as the blood from my knife tripled down my body.

1… 2… 3… 4…

I pulled the lighter away and stare at mark it left. I ignite the flames again and put it back to my skin.

1… 2… 3… 4…

I turn off the lighter and hide it under my mattress.

“Honey are you in there?” He says, his voice echoing in my head.

“I’m coming, one second.”

I stare at the knife on the floor that stained with blood. I pick it up and take it over to my Duchess and clean it off with a paper towel. as I do that, I glance at myself in the mirror. And I see the marks I’ve left on my body. The red dripping lines on my skin where my knife had greeted it. The red circles of hot flash that covered the remanding skin on my shoulders and thighs. What has that man done to me? Why have I done this? Why do I keep doing this to myself? I want to stop. I need to stop but I love seeing the blood run down my arms and legs and the burning feeling I get. I need to stop but the pain and the risk of being caught is adrenaline. It’s such a start in the rush for me. I need to stop but how would people know that I’ve struggled? How will people know that I’ve survived all these years after that man has done to me? I’m still fighting for that peace? I need to stop but I can’t.

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