Write a story or poem based on the theme of "Lost"

Losing You

Sometimes it's easy to lose things. I lose things every day. I lose my favourite teddy bear in many different ways! Sometimes I misplace him Out in the garden grass. But always I will find him wherever I left him last. He hides in all the cupboards And hides in all the rooms. My teddy has adventures but he always turns up soon. Sometimes when I lose things, They can’t be found again. It makes me sad to think about like clouds who lose their rain. I try to search around the house, I search until I sleep; But still I cannot find them, yet I dare not make a peep. And when the morning comes again I search another day. I snoop and sneak around the house remembering my way. When we lose a loved one It feels worse than teddy bears. The smallest things remind us of the memories we shared. A smell is such a simple thing Yet when someone has died; It reminds us of the fun we had and makes us want to cry. Sometimes it's a picture Of them smiling back at us; And our heart can feel so heavy that it wants to make a fuss. Often it's a sound we hear And sometimes it can spark. A desperate want to hear their voice instead of morning’s lark. Losing someone close to us Is harder than it seems. Sometimes it won't feel real and it feels like a bad dream. Its ok to feel sad, And it’s ok to cry. It’s ok to be angry when someone you love dies. But you are not alone with this And so many people care. No matter how you’re feeling it is always good to share. Make memories of memories And hold on to your dreams. Share how you are feeling and seek love when feelings seem To overwhelm your day time And your evenings and your nights. You are not wrong for missing them and wishing it was light. Change can feel like monsters Hiding underneath your bed. So tell people around you if you have them in your head. Together you can keep living, In spite of all the tears. In times to come you will adjust, and work through all your fears. You carry them within yourself; You carry them around. So whenever you feel lonely just listen for their sound. The voice inside that loves you Is the voice they shared with you. To remind you that they are not gone and that you can be loved too. For you are just as special As the loved one you have lost. So know that they are with you keeping all their fingers crossed. That soon you will feel happy, And soon you will feel loved. Whilst they live on in your memories and watch you from above. In Loving memory of Riya
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