Without planning or drafting, write the opening page of your story.

We will revisit this prompt at the end of the month to see how your ideas and skills have developed!

The Calculated Catch

She froze as the crimson liquid streamed wildly over her white knuckles and dripped down her clenched fists onto the ground. The stark contrast of the dark red against her pale skin was a fervent reminder of the desperation and fury she was holding inside, each drop falling like a silent display to the conflict waged within. It was too late now to change anything, she knew that much. There he lay, eyes bulging; still with that stupid, confused look on his face. Her eyes narrowed as she stood over his cold body. With a deep sigh she considered the energy and effort it would take to clean up all the mess. It reminded her of a well-intentioned date night with Jeremy. He had suggested they try a ‘Couple’s Canvas Paint’ night. An unexpected snort of laughter escaped from her as she recalled how they playfully flicked and splashed paint onto the massive blank canvas before them. That day the room was filled with the sounds of their shared giggles among the clicking of paint cans and splatter of paint. 

It would take hours to get this room back in order. Her gaze was drawn to the photos on the wall, each slightly askew. The occupants’ smiles crooked, like an invisible wire was silently tugging at the corners of their mouths. A sudden, icy shiver crept up her spine, sending a wave of goosebumps across her skin and leaving her with a sense of unease.

Well, she supposed, it was someone else’s problem now. With cat-like reflexes, she spun quickly on her tiptoes, her thick heels snapping loudly on the stone floor as she unforgivingly rushed away.

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