The Scarf

As he lifted the wool to his nose he inhaled the memories imbedded in the weave.

Snowballs flying back and forth streaks in the air, bits of ice separating and flinging haphazardly back down to the ground. His brother laughing, the mist from his breathing puffing into the space around his head as the packed snow smacked him in the shoulder.

As he leaned forward she smiled and closed her eyes as they shivered in the outside air. Lips warm but her nose cold in his face. It was his first kiss, sending shivers up his back and into his arms. She smelled like chocolate and her breath like marshmallows.

Racing to his last final before the holidays, trying to remember all the studies but forgetting everything. The pounding of his heart as he burst through the door and slammed into a desk.

He felt a tear as he lowed the scarf into a box and closed the lid. Handing the box to the attendant and turning to his car feeling happy for the memories but aching from the past.

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