Write a story with an unexpected twist.
Consider the length of your story. It does not need to reach the max word limit to include a twist. One sentence can be enough. Consider, too, that a twist is not always a revelation, but can be subtle.
The Shop
The bell jingled as the shop door opened.
“Go on. Your turn” the wizened old shopkeeper said as he pushed his apprentice from behind the ancient counter.
The apprentice made his way through the racks of abandoned clothes and other long forgotten detritus.
“Hi! I’m Bert. What are you looking for today?”
The hapless customer spun around with a look like a deer caught in headlights. It was a normal look for those who had just met Bert, he seemed to mainly consist of a shock of red hair, a rather lumpy green cardigan and carpet slippers. He put people in mind of deformed carrot with an imperious stare.
“I’m just looking thanks” Vincent replied getting over the initial shock, certain in the knowledge that shop keepers everywhere withered into the background after the use of this phrase.
“Well sir, I’ve always found even with a general looking theres always something you want otherwise you wouldn’t be in the shop in the first place.”
“Well, I could do with a new lamp I suppose.”
“Marvellous sir, follow me to the bric a brac section.”
Vincent followed Bert through the shop, wondering how anywhere as musty as this managed to stay open. It was like several charity shops had come to die in here. He had only wandered in out of curiosity. It was one of those shops that had always been there but no-one knew exactly what it was they sold.
“We have this one sir! Very beautiful!” Bert declared after rummaging through an endless display of bits and bobs. “Actually think its the only one in the shop.”
Vincent stared at the proffered lamp, all dirty brass and the glass shade had definitely seen better days.
“I’ll take it” he said glancing at the price tag. Only 50p he thought, even if it doesn't work it will get me out of this shop quicker than if I didn't buy anything.
Bert bobbed excitedly back over to the cash register.
“That will be 50 pence then please sir.”
Vincent handed over the change and quickly made his way to the door lest he get caught for another tasteless trinket.
“Was that the old brass lamp you just sold?” The shop owner asked Bert from his armchair in the corner.
“Oh yes it was” Bert replied looking happy with himself.
The shop owners eyes widened.
“Bloody hell lad! Theres a Genie stuck in that! He’ll find it when he turns it on. Nasty Genie he is too. Last time that lamp went on I lost my apprentice trying to trap him again. I’m not sitting round here watching endless parades and bloody despotic rulers getting out of hand again. Pull that lever boy!”
Bert obediently went over to the lever on the wall, pulled a few errant garments off of it and dutifully gave it a big pull.
If Vincent had still been stood outside which of course he wasn’t, he had scurried off before the bell had ceased its jingling, he would have seen the shop slowly swirl in on itself, turning faster and faster as though trying to become its own tornado. There was a sudden pop and the shop had vanished. Where it had stood was now a small alley between the two shops on either side.