The Salt Cage

The cage that has kept me bound is slowly being drained. I can feel my strength returning as the deep depths of the water surround me, pushing against me from all angels. The surface is calling me, I can feel it. The devious water that has kept me locked tight has taken a toll on me , my once long dark hair is now as white as snow because of the cage that kept my magic at bay, even now when the cage is coming undone, my hair stays the same colorless color. Some may call it beautiful, but I don’t think so, I think when I get out of this cage is will always be a reminder of my powerlessness. Forever, for I am an immortal being of power, and they should of known better then to drain my cage, because I am going to destroy their small world, even if it destroys me in the process. I will rise, and when I do, they will bow down to my name.


Justin smiled at his little sister as they walked down the the ocean side, the wind pulling his hair, “come on Amy!don’t you want to see what the difference is in the ocean?”

Amy looked at him weirdly, “why would I want to see that? I just want to see the Water, it’s so pretty.”

He suppressed a sigh, Amy was only 8 years old, he shouldn’t expect her to get excited over how drinkable the ocean water was, but he wanted to talk to someone, even if it was just his little sister, “yes I get that Amy, but they drained the salt from all the lakes and filtered it, which means it’s drinkable now.”

Her tiny brows furrowed on her forehead, “wasn’t it drinkable before?”

This time Justin didn’t hold back his sigh, “never mind, let’s just go to the water.”

Amy let loose a giggle and took off running. Justin caught up with her and kept his pace with her as they reached the shallow water.

Amy dipped her toe in the ocean, “it’s sooo cold,”

Justin smiled and looked at the water. He stared at it a second and squinted. There, limping towards them was a little girl, she could hardly be much older then Amy, but her head was downcast, with muddy brown hair concealing her face. She wore nothing, but a black dress that lay in tatters, barely covering her, her limp was deep as well.She was hurt and Justin wasn’t about to do nothing, “Amy,” he said, “get back.”

She raised her head and saw the girl, her eyes widening as she soundlessly obeyed. Justin waded into the ocean as the little girl drew closer, “hey! You there.” He called out. She didn’t react, she just kept limping forward, but as he got closer to her she lifted her head. Her muddy brown hair vanished and Justin stopped as it was replaced with blinding white locks. But if Justin wasn’t horrified by that he was certainly horrified when he met her face. Her eyes were black with no hint of white in them, her face was still the face of a young girl, but it held an unearthly paleness to it, and as she smiled, she revealed rows of sharp teeth that looked like they had been filed to points.

Justin backed away, “w-what are you?”

The monster looked back at him and said in a silky voice, “the question isn’t what my dear, it’s who.”

“Amy!” Justin screamed at the shore, “run!” But he couldn’t tell if she heard him or not, he was too far away. The monster just smiled as she prowled closer.

“Now screaming isn’t very nice, is it?”

Justin whimpered, “w-who are you then.”

The monster stepped closer and her fingers seemed to grow talons made of pure darkness, her eyes seemed to glow in a dark light, and her voice became raspy, “why don’t I show you.”

That was all it took for Justin to start at a full sprint through the water to the shores, but it didn’t matter, she was upon him in a matter of seconds. Pinning him down on the rocky surface. Justin screamed as she bent down next to his ear, “you will bow down to my name, human. You will bow down to Soridea.”

Soridea smiled, her sharp teeth gleaming as she raked her shadow claws down his stomach, letting him bleed out into the ocean.

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