The winter winds blew fierce and cold,

With naught to break their icy hold.

I shivered in my threadbare cloak,

And wished for summer's warmth to soak

Into my bones and chase away

The chill that made me tremble and sway.

But still I trudged on, feet aching,

And prayed for respite from the freezing.

At last, I saw a glimmer of hope,

A light ahead that made me grope

Towards it, and I saw a door,

With warmth and shelter evermore.

I entered, grateful for the fire,

And felt the chill begin to tire.

It lingered still, but now it seemed

Less dire, less dire and less extreme.

Until finally, the chill stopped!

And I was free to rest and thaw.


Snowflakes dance in the air

Winter's chill biting deep

Finally, it stops


The cold seeped into my bones,

Making me shiver and shake.

I pulled my coat tighter,

But still the chill wouldn't abate.

I tried to find warmth in the sun,

But it hid behind gray clouds.

I sought refuge in a cafe,

But the heaters just made me feel loud.

But then I met you,

And your touch was like a flame.

The chill fled from my skin,

And I finally felt the same.

Until finally, the chill stopped!

And I could breathe again,

Without the weight of winter

Holding me down in its reign.

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