Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"It was all becoming real."

Use this as the closing line of a poem in any style.

“It Was All Becoming Real”

This is my life. I sit on the roof ledge looking into the night sky. I play connect the dots with the stars like how we used to when we were kids, only it’s different now. You’ve been gone a year, but I’m still stuck here, on this ledge, with these thoughts, with these memories. For a moment everything goes away. All the problems, all the stress, all the joy, all the aching stops. I sigh as I replay memories of us in my mind. The piggyback rides through the front lawn, the dress ups in our shared bedroom, the hide and seeks in the garden. I feel a tear streak my face as I hear our laughs. How pure they were. How innocent were we. How beautiful were our childlike souls! I linger in the memories a moment longer before standing. I close my eyes, and take a breath. In this moment I am infinite. I stretch my arms wide and allow the breeze to tangle in my sweater. I spend the next few moments rethinking every moment of my life, and noting how beautiful they are. “Madaline, honey? It’s time to wake up!” My eyes bolt open and are flooded with the sight of my mother on the side of my bed. “What’s wrong, sweety?” “Nothing, it was finally starting to become real”.

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