You never believed in astrology, until your horoscopes started getting incredibly specific, and always coming true...

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Horoscope To Hell

I couldn’t believe my eyes, as I stared down at the words before me. How was it, for the third day in a row, I was faced with a very targeted horoscope that seemed to apply to the exact thoughts that I was having at the time? Considering the anxiety, the constant fear, and the flashbacks, could it really be just a cliche like I thought? The idea of some mystical foreshadowing of life and personality linked to the month and date of our birth had always seemed improbable to me, especially as I didn’t seem to match my sign at all.

I could not, however, ignore the fact that something was going on here. Had the social media spies actually advanced and been able to read minds? Were they targeting people with their insecurities? I entertained the thought, and it quickly became just another swirling around into the reel of endless possibilities.

Might it be that my hours of internal begging and pleading with the universe, had actually come to materialize? Was this real advice? A way out of the fog that had been clouding everything? Was this the answer?

I hope so, and if that was the case... perhaps today would be a new day. Maybe I could really get it right, ya know? That’s what I was thinking anyways, but then the screen started flashing, and the notifications began to ping. Over, and over, and over. Faster than I could see. Horoscopes were popping up, more rapidly than my phone could handle. My heart started beating faster, as if keeping rhythm with the speed and text.

It seemed the horoscopes were getting progressively more angry, and my anxiety was quick to respond. When my eyes were able to focus, and the pinging stopped... I saw the final message, and that’s what really sent me into a panic. Not only had I been getting different horoscopes relating to haunting feelings and past events, but they were coming retroactively...while traveling me backwards in time.

I looked around me and I was somewhere I only visited in my nightmares. I could feel every creak of the floor and see every hole in the wall. There... was no way out. Trapped in my worst memories and deepest fears... A knot welled up in my throat, as I came to the realization my life may be no more...that perhaps, I was sent back here to die...

But on the other hand... I thought, I don’t agree with that...I don’t want to give up. I had to find a way to break the curse, or spell, or whatever in the magical personal hell had just happened. It seemed the demons in my mind manifested into the ones who put them there. What if I had to trust myself?

I opened the document app of my phone, and started to write. I wrote my pain, my reality, and my desires as they truly were... and tears spilled and it seemed time

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