Stay On The Path.

I smile as I feel the wind aginast my face. Each step I take I can feel the fall leafs crunch beneath my feet. The sky a nice orange glow as the sun falls below the tree line. The path I’m on is new to most but old hat to me. I walk it every year at this time. I find it my duty to help those who cross it from time to time.

As the path twists and turns into the woods the sky falls to black only illuminated under the moons watchful eye.

As I walk through the woods I see my first sole wondering the path.

‘Good evening madam, how are you this evening?’ I ask.

‘Where…. Where am I..?’ She asks confused.

‘I.. I was just at a photographers for a portrate.’ She states as she looks aground.

‘My deer I apologize but this is a woods. But I believe the new path you seek is ahead. Down the path and to your right. I sure things will turn out alright.’ I say tipping my hat and extending my hand.

‘Would you like a guide? I know these woods well.’ I ask with a smile.

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