A year ago, you saw someone who looked just like you. Since, you've been seeing them with increasing frequency, and now they appear to be showing up everywhere in your life...
Continue the story of your doppleganger.
Who may he be ?
Friend or foe, let’s at least get to know him though.
Although despite him being rather suspicious, I did my best to create a friendly conversation. “Hello?”
“oh hey.”
“Look man, Do I know you ?”
“No , But I know you .”
“A little too well.”
“Oh oh what do you mean?”
“You’ve perfected my everything, you have perfected your imitation of my walk, my talk, my causality, my social abilities, my personality.”
“Yes, I have.”
“You’ve hung out with my friends, You’ve hung out with my family and neither noticed the difference.”
“I’m surprised you let that happen.”
“What do you mean surprised!? I have a job.”
“Oh yes your job, I got some work there too.”
“But you don’t get paid. The boss has my credentials.”
“Are you sure those are still yours though ?”
“The bank manager trusts you too much, and she didn’t even ask for my identification papers.”
“Oh wow, man. Why you gotta do this to me?
“I got asked to blend in with your life from the government.”
“ wouldn’t you become my best friend or someone else close instead?”
“No. We already have a man there. His name is Bill.”
“BILL?! What!? I can’t believe this!”
“Hah, I’ll take everything away from you.”
“you’re not going to take the last part of my life away from me though!” Unfortunately, just as I said that , my new Girlfriend opened the door and had walked into the room and came across us both.