Write a rhyming poem that explores differing perspectives on an event.

Dual narratives and the need for repeated sounds will create an interesting dynamic in this poem!

Why I Love You

Why I love you, you’ll ask,

The real question should be why wouldn’t I?

The way your eyes glisten and light up when your talking about something your interested in, or how the fact your constantly so energetic and confident even when your not feeling yourself you always make me smile and laugh.

And then when I look into your eyes and you get mad that I keep staring but I can’t stop your just so beautiful, you have this thing about you I can’t even be mad at your cause when you look at me I smile and can’t keep a straight face cause you make me feel so many emotions it’s hard to channel them somtimes. And yes we get mad at eachother but that’s what we do,we get mad,but no matter what or how long it takes we fix it because not only are you my boyfriend you are my best friend the only one I have left who understands me.And I want you by my side through thick and thin your that light at the end of that really dark tunnel, and I know I’m a handful you may even say bitch at times and I know I make it hard for you and I’m sorry for that but I am just constantly scared of loosing the boy who brought me together and fixed me.

I hope we make it to the part we’re we fulfill the dreams we made together cause I want you in my life forever as my partner and to be my husband and when you go off to the army I’ll be here waiting for you to come back, you’ll always have me counting on you, I love you.

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