You are stuck in a room with a pyschopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

Bait And Switch….

This psychopath who wants to kill me has a psyche, has a thought process, has mind, a drive, a will to live, a reason for being. What is that reason for being? How can you exist within a world where emotional presence is dampened? What need does a creature continue to breathe, fight, and continue living without some type of emotional connection to something, even if with self, it will exist on some plane of existence within their minds.

So you want to kill me? What’s the reason for wanting to kill me? Why is it that you’re harboring such emotions about an individual who has no influence in whether you move forward, backward, or in any direction for that matter? There must be some deep psychological disturbance within that is causing this lashing out in hopes of ending another persons life so easily. What has been done to you? How have you been wronged? What is it that you’ve felt the need to say (or even scream) without the opportunity and/or the courage to speak up? What is it that drives you to the point of doing something that is beyond reprehensible, the most severe act one can take out on another, what is it about yourself that you hate so much? What part of yourself do you wish you could kill off without having to address the insecurities and anger that dwells within on such a deep level that it causes your very existence to be driven to the point you take lives away in hopes of chipping away at some foreign part of you that has been long ignored?

Why is it we’re here? What was the problem? What seemed to be such a problem that such acts were all that we were left with? Why continue to attempt to kill off that which cannot so easily die, not without our physiological bodies having reached our expiration date, not best by, not due by, but expiry date?

Take my hand, off we shall go to slay these demons which plague you in such ways that bring such woes! Wield the sword as we lay waste to the atrocities that dare fester within you! Hearing the Queen BigHead from Alice in Wonderland distantly yell “off with their head!”

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