How would you describe silence?
Think about which senses you can use to describe the sound, and feeling, of silence.
From Turmoil To Still Waters.
To finnish a thought without interruption. To reflect upon the day before it has even started, as it is still dark out, and the birds have only just started waking up in the trees outside.
To listen to your body moving and breathing. Living. Just being. Chest moving up. And down. Up. And down.
Up. Down.
Letting go of feelings felt about times past. Letting turmoil turn into calm waters.
Letting that scene play over again and again. That scene filling you up with sadness and frustration. Letting the sentence be read out loud inside again and again. Saying to yourself what you wish you had said, again and again.
Playing. Acting. From start to finnish.
Until a new scene shows itself. Taking its place.
Being still while the internal theater plays the scenes so lively, you feel you are there now.
How it happened. How it could have happened. How you wish it had happened.
Feeling it deeply.
Have it sink in.
Going deep. Considering, even, that maybe it wasn't even that important to begin with. Perhaps it was not worth this turmoil.
Perhaps there is a simple truth to it. A less dramatic one.
And it turns from turmoil to still waters.
Only from allowing it the time and space that is silence.