You are Amazing !
Don’t you see ? you’re worth so much more than gold. I know sometimes it feels like we’re stuck in the cold so numb to the pain as we’re so used to getting blamed .
But those feeling are your own and no one can say your wrong for coping and it really hard to start hoping it’ll all be gone but soon you’ll be fine it just takes a whole lot of time .
Dont you dare even question what you’ve achieved ; for all the choices you’ve made , it wasn’t fair but you still showed the world you care .
Just know I’m proud of you for carrying on despite the hardship you’ve faced in this mad dash world where everything seem rushed like a race .
All the chaos you’ve dealt and still faced each day with a smile as you made each moment worthwhile .
Just remember you are strong and I know the road is long and seems all uphill as each emotion weigh you down as it drags along the ground .
Ask for help even if it’s quiet let out a yelp , the small steps matter and so do you !
So don’t let the fear hold you down let it go like a ballon watch it drift away all the way to the moon .