Someone has just sent your character an angry or upset message.
Write a detailed descriptive passage about their emotional response to this message. Are the surprised, annoyed, saddened?
They’re Coming
The cream parchment unfurled onto the lamp lit desk with a satisfying ‘fwip”, knocking over a little vial of pepper.
Leif leaned forward to stroke the sprawling indigo ink titled “Invoice”.
It was probably the finest paper he’d ever seen, and he’d stolen stationary from royalty.
To a
Mr. Illmoriem (Leif)
Bastard, species: unknown
(human verified)
occupation: theif, conspirer, terrorist
Address: homeless
Assuming this invoice finds you in one piece and of sound mind:
You are here by charged with
the destruction of 3 (1+ 1+ 1) Royal Triad Sand Cruisers model K,
The murder of the esteemed goblin War General Bax Ado,
The collapse of The Aquatic Land Trans Alliance (ALTA), and the Sea Peoples United Treasury (SPUT).
You have been deemed a failure and impediment to this union therefor by imperial decree,
your assets and possessions are to be ceased by Central Embassies where you will be tried by all nations of the globe and sentenced to public execution.
You have brought chaos and devastation to a planet already on its knees in a time of turmoil and we shall rejoice in your demise.
Aprit Dek
Daughter of Ivory Clan, Dark Elvish
(Non human verified)
Royal Traidic Secretary
D.E. Kingdom Cabinet Command of Public Affairs
Central Embassy Rep
Leif inhaled and leaned back in his green arm chair, hands behind his head. By the sound of things, he was gonna guess his appeal had failed. Pity. He stayed like this for a while, leather boots propped up, stewing in the mess that had enveloped his life in the span of weeks.
It seemed like just days ago he was only a theif, smuggling royal cargo across country for food and illegal spell jars. He glanced down at the pretty scroll again, the words TERRORIST seemed to burn a hole through the paper and desk.
Now, in a few hours time he’d die for crimes every nation in the world thought he committed. His eyes found the paper again. Well, he had murdered the zealot Bax Ado who really crashed the 3 sand cruisers but what choice did Leif have while being strangled half an inch from spiked tires.
The fire sputtered, low in its hearth.
Leif shivered and grabbed the thick scroll still laying across his desk, he balled it up and tossed it into the flames. He let his mind wander to pleasant memories staring at the crackling heat, most regarding food and sweet cheeses or the occasion spell jar that worked and brought even more food. Then he gasped. The spell jars.. Outside his cabin there was a knock. Through the hidden side window and the crack under the back door Leif could just make out Fire sentries surrounding the land making escape impossible. Leif was to be hung- but the Fire Sentries had a reputation for playing with their food. He’d likely be tortured to death before he made it to the hearing. No one would know. No one would care.
He made for the trunks in his closet and began to frantically pull out every labeled jar he could find to no avail. Jar after jar, sputtered and winked in their futile states.
knock knock knock.
Some would attempt to activate, glowing and floating a few inches out of Leif’s palms but ultimately fade out as they fell. He’d given up and resigned back to his armchair in mounting panic when he noticed the pepper jar in the corner of his desk that he’d knocked over opening the letter.
BAM. BAM. BAM. The imperials wanted the satisfaction of being greeted.
With timid fingers he grabbed the little vial and flipped it over.
“Banishing. Protecting.
Use sparingly ;) “
Leif tried to calm his quickening pace and stood up. Azhira wasn’t someone you wanted to owe a favor to but he didn’t have much of a choice. He unscrewed the cap and poured the contents out at his feet just as the door splintered apart and flames engulfed him.
The cabin caught fire and the Fire Sentries made for the entrance, unaffected by the heat. Behind them, Aprit Dek stepped through the doorway surveying the damage, her crimson eyes took in every detail. The sentries began to remove stolen possessions, giving her a wide berth as they exited behind her when she snapped her fingers. Everyone stopped. “Where is he? And sure enough, amidst the recovered treasures, priceless equipment, and roaring flames that licked at their faces and clothes - Illmoriem had disappeared.