The Lake

I always come to the lake on Saturdays; rain or shine clouds or mist. It was one of the foggy Sarurdays. Normally I would come with my brother or a few friends. This time though I was alone, I spread out a blanket and sat down. I listened to the gentle crash of the waves on the rocky line of the lake’s shore. I watch a boat make choppy waves in its wake. Then I stiffen, one of the men in the boat grips a black bag which looks like a body. I watch wanting to look away but the scene is to horrific that is is riveting. The other man stalls the engine and comes over to the other man and grabs the other end of the item and they heave it over the side. Then one man turns and sees me. He shouts and the other man races for the steering wheel and starts the engine again. He turns it around and they speed toward me. I scoop up the blanket and run.

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