Just Like Me

I won’t give in again

I’m not dumb enough

I won’t let the world hurt me

I keep it in its cuffs

I don’t want to open up

Thats when people hurt you the most

The tell you they care and you’re loved

But they’ll stop the act and reveal the foes

I’ll keep my heart locked away

You can’t have it in your possession

“But I’m nice” I’ve hear that before

I think I’m going to dodge this lesson

I’ll push away my friends

They lead me on dark paths

I don’t want them to teach me wrong

I don’t want to change how I act

I’d rather die than let you near

You caused my pain and left me alone

I wish you best wherever you go

You’re a weight that I have to hold

My father God

I understand

I’ve done my wrongs

And butchered your plan

This isn’t who I’m supposed to be

But isn’t my pain validated

They hurt me lord I didn’t hurt them

How am I to be unsaturated

How could I forgive like you

I gave them kindness

But they let it fall through

Why am I such a mess

How do you forgive the people that do you wrong

I’m insecure in all areas because of them

They laughed, they taunted, they outcasted me

How do I forgive the ones that sin

Wait… No… I…

They’re just like me

If all sin is the same

Then they’re just like me

But mine are mistakes God

I didn’t know any better

I’ve bullied and hurt

But I didn’t know any better

They had to know what they were doing

Those jokes, those hurtful jokes

Wow… I’ve done the same

But I didn’t know

I said things I shouldn’t

Hurt those who didn’t deserve it

Isn’t every bad action a mistake

Because we are always learning

I seen what you mean father

Everyone sins

We don’t know any better but you teach us

Thats why you forgive…

Even if we rebel as a choice

Its a mistake in reality

Because we’re still dumb enough to make the choice

Maybe thats why I hear your voice

To let their actions go

And move on

I’d want them to forgive my mistakes

So I was it the wrong

I’ll still stay protective

My trust isn’t a toy

But I’ll care for your creation

Even if I’m annoyed

You’re teaching have shown me

there isn’t a point to fighting

Love them and forgive

Because they’re just like me…

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