Submitted by Jules Lee Petrich
The Anti-Hero
Write about a hero that becomes a villain, thinking that they’re not in the wrong.
Standing against you
The thing is, you see, I’m fixing a terribly tragic wrong. That’s not how most people will see it, of course, but then again, isn’t that always the way of the world?
You have to be strong in this regard. Steady. You can’t just break at the first obstacle you see. You have to have principles. You have to stand for something.
And I’m standing against you.
I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I wish we’d had longer to talk. Maybe I could’ve got you to see my point of view. Because these… gifts we possess aren’t really gifts at all.
Don’t scoff at me, can’t you see it? This isn’t the way things are supposed to be! We were poisoned - like lab rats in a cage - this isn’t some incredible feat of evolution. This is a crime.
And I’m going to be the one to fix it.
Once the blimp climbs high enough, the antidote I detonate should cover most of the city. I can pick off any stragglers. There’s probably a better way of saying that, but time is of the essence here.
Remember, I promise you, this isn’t personal. We’re just working at opposite ends of the spectrum. I want to put an end to these powers and you…
Put the gun down. Please. I know I can ramble but you don’t have to-
O-okay. Okay. I’m putting my hands on my head. Please- I-
Alright, alright. I won’t talk anymore. But… just know…
Now this is personal.