The Meeting

Note to self: the twist will involve a satanic band

I’ve memorized every song poem and quote . I’ve spent years waiting for this moment. I have taken every preparation possible. When we meet I will not be taken off guard . I will know the answers to every question they throw at me. It still seems like a dream. That I would be given this opportunity,me ,just an ordinary girl from nowhere ! It must have been preordained. If there is a god he surely must have orchestrated this event. But then I’m getting ahead of my self . Lola here #1 Fan of Midnight Madness The greatest band since,well ever lol ! Pop l practice my shooting out back. I mean it was relatively easy looking back on it. KWOW Indy’s Independent Radio went the slogan. Discover Indie bands that have yet to break into the mainstream. The music snob in me loved to be the first to discover a new artist or band. And wow did I count my blessings that I happened to catch the local program that Saturday. I was just sitting in the garage sharpening my knife collection, not doing much of anything when all of a sudden they came on. It was like every note had me transfixed nearly hypnotized with bliss. It took me 3 days to track them down. Calling the radio station incessantly. Trying to get information. Finally finding a decent guy who not only knew who they were but where they would playing that weekend. I was elated. Needless to say I went to the show and fell even more in love. I had to “borrow” some random girls car. But I mean I left it right where I found it. I even rung the doorbell leaving a note explaining she was taking a very long nap in the back. No harm no foul right ? I bought their demo and started devouring any information I could

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