Manipulative Beauty

It was beautiful, the creature that stood in front of me, its golden locks of hair twisting in beautiful patterns, its equally shiny gold skin completing it. The Angel-like creature stares down at me for a few minutes. Its mouth closes.

“What are you?” My subconscious mind asks, but I already know the answer.

I just wanted to hear the creatures voice. Anticipating the euphoric sensory that must be its voice, I look between the creature and the scenery. They both compliment each others classical luxury effortlessly.

We stand in a seemingly endless pit of ankle-level water, the smell of beaches on a hot sunny day, lingering in the air. But instead of an answer, the creature bears its teeth, and Tilts its head; the beach smell quickly being replaced by an unsettling taste of dry blood. The thing had fangs, fangs that had meat caught between them, human meat. I see Robes and armour of past warriors, creatures, witches and wizards lodged in its teeth and the back of its mouth. Quickly releasing this creatures thirst for blood precedes its appearance.

I attempt to take off running. For I was no warrior, I never had been despite growing up in one of the richest kingdoms. This was because I was spoilt, spoilt rotten; there was a reason I had been one of the only humans to see this creature.

It’s because I’m not a, General, a High-Mage, A witch or a king. It was because I’d paid for it - my parents had paid for it. What I hadn’t anticipated was that I was paying to be devoured by some demon disguised as an angel.

Fight wasn’t something I had within me, which I very much knew, I also knew that if I stayed to observe the creature, I would be the next thing that ends up stuck in its teeth.

The creatures snarls and begins to rush at me in giant steps, the ground erupting into mini-earthquakes with every step it takes. The thing chasing me down looks hungry for a bite, its wings flaying unsettlingly as it clearly intends to fly up into the air, pluck me off the ground, straight into its mouth. This reality brings tears to the brim of my eyes and cold sweat to my forehead, my hands shaking rapidly as me and the creature run through the endless mass of water whilst puddles form under my feet with each step I take. I keep running, and I’ll keep running until my legs give out. . .

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