Mysteries of the Night
Whether something natural and beautiful like the stars, or something more sinister, write a poem that focuses on things that are most prominent at night.
Moonlight Thoughts...
The night time really is mysterious. The dark cape of nightshade blanketing over the bright blue of the day time.
The twinkling stars, sparkling like lonely diamonds in the sky, whispering secrets nothings to each other.
The mother moon, gazing and descending on the piercing diamonds, like a proud mother telling them to remain silent and just to let their sparkle shine bright.
I lay here in these dark skies thinking of you and wonder if you think of me too.
For the longest time, I thought you did.
I thought you remembered those feelings of when we first saw each other.
I thought you remembered all the long hugs and short gazes we gave to each other.
I thought you remembered that hug where we held on to each other so tight, we couldn't breathe.
The magical tingles between us, went for the longest time keeping us deeply embraced in each others bodies.
That was an unexplainable feeling and I think both of us at the point questioned what that was after we let go.
Looking at each other in shock and disbelief.
It was definitely a pivotal moment and even if I think about it now, I still feel that same unexplained feeling.
I thought after that, you may have felt what I felt but when I see you chasing after other women, I realised that maybe it was just me that felt that.
It pains me deeply to see you loving someone else.
Somewhere inside me hoped you were the one but I see now that you just another phoney.
Another fake and another trickster.
My real pain is that I let you get close to me, after so many years of being shut down and in return, you were so callous and unloving.
I thought the universe bought me a gift but instead it was another lesson in another version.
After been closed for so long, I opened my heart again to be absolutely traumatised again forcing me to massively retreated in to this shell again.
I opened up and trusted you and you were just another big let down.
So it's ok, I learnt my lesson quicker than I would in the past and I'm no longer avoiding these red flags.
If someone can take you from me, you weren't mine to begin with.
I want a loyal heart not a player.
So it's ok, we will keep it moving.
Thank you for showing me what a coward you are for opening my heart and not having the courage to love me.
I see it now and I'm sorry I even let you in.
I free you, I release you from my heart, mind and soul and I let you go to what is comfortable for you.
I'm sorry I ever opened my heart to you and I thank you for hurting me and forcing me to let go.