Submitted by Margaret Sok
'I will not walk this earth without you…'
Write a poem or story including this line. Consider what or who 'you' might refer to in order to create a unique narrative.
I’m on this bridge
Knowing what do have done
Knowing you’ve been in the same position as I am
Knowing that I was the one
I will not walk this earth without you
For our love is too strong
You’ve been gone for too long
Looking over the edge
You were so brave
Jumping into the unknown
Knowing you wouldn’t be safe
You died on the exact same day
One year ago where I am standing today
What did you think about as you jumped?
Did you think about me?
Did you think that this would set you free
I called you that night
With no answer I got scared
I thought you would be home soon
I watched the hours flyby
Waiting for you to come home
The knock on the door
The officers voice
Telling me what you had done
Telling me, I had no choice
I had to continue on
Living my life
Knowing you wouldn’t be in it
Knowing you hadn’t survived
Why didn’t you tell me?
Why didn’t I know?
Was it some secret?
You couldn’t let go
On the bridge
One year ago today
You jumped
I will not walk this earth without you
I can’t stand to live like this anymore
So I must jump too