Inspired by Leona McNeil
Your character is sitting an exam that they absolutely must pass. Create a narrative focusing on their emotions during this scene.
Don’t focus on the event; focus on the character's thoughts and feelings, and how this situation affects them.
Some Test
TW: Christian theme
There aren’t any chewing gum infested
desks or number two pencils,
no sushing teacher or profusely
scribbling students.
There’s a clock and it’s ticking.
I’ll die one day. So will you.
The test is like a furnace,
the fire - affliction.
You throw me into the flames
and join me in them.
You seperate the dross of my flesh
and make me into a precious metal.
You fashion me into Your image,
day by painful day.
You place on me great burdens,
weights that I cannot yet bear.
When I fall, You lift me to my feet.
When I collapse, You carry me.