When I Look in the Mirror

I look in my mirror multiple times a day. I see myself, but it’s not the same. I criticize every aspect of my body. My hair looks awful, my skin is broken out, my stomach is bloated, my legs are so skinny, I have scars all over. I look at myself and I hate what I see. I see an ugly creature looking back at me.

But what I don’t realize, is I’m beautiful. I was made by a perfect God in His image. I’m scarred and broken and bruised, because I’ve been through hell. But my God, He has pulled me through. My body shows the battles I’ve fought and the chaos I’ve been in.

My body is a temple, special and sacred. God carefully made every part of me and nobody can take it. I’m beautiful in God’s eyes and I should be in yours too. My soul is pure and my heart is true.

“The inside is what matters.” is what people say. This is very true, everyone’s beautiful in their own unique way.

When I look in the mirror, I shouldn’t hate what I see, because when I look in the mirror, there’s a child of God looking back at me.

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