I’m A Corporate Teapot

It’s too cold in this air conditioned office

My shoulders hurt

From all the





I keep getting distracted by the


It’s a nice day and

I’m inside

Wearing stilettos that give me


All so that the clients can tell me

We’re not as smart as they are

Or that they’ve changed their minds

I wish anyone would listen to my ideas

But I’ve never been a

b u l l d o z e r

I’m a compromiser

A pleaser

You’d think those would be good qualities

Paired with my smarts

But walking into a room with confidence is

all that matters in this business

Selling people reassurance and freedom

The relief of letting someone else tell them what’s right

So I get frustrated and explode on mute

Text my friends and allies venting

About how they never listen

Promising that I’m going to have the talk

And give them a piece of my mind

Before smiling again on camera

But this will never be more than just a fantasy

Because the truth is I’m a corporate teapot

I may stew and steam

But at the end of the day

Once I let it out

I only have the confidence

To pour myself out to

Soothe them

Please them

And keep them

Warm and fuzzy

On the inside

I want to burn them, but I don’t do it

Instead I keep my lid on

Because it’s only in a confined space

That I can scream

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