You are cycling home when you witness a crime. The perpetrator spots you and the chase begins.
Create a fast-paced scene where your protagonist must escape danger and report the crime.
The Chase
Officer, I promise he’s right behind me, please help!
I’m really sorry, sometimes I just get ahead of myself when I tell this story. It was one of the most troubling moments of my life though. So it all started when I was biking home from the grocery store that’s about three quarters of a mile down the road from my house. I was actually on my way back home from school. Well, after I had made two blocks headed west to home I saw them; it was terrible. It was a man with a pistol and a silencer gunning down a innocent woman to steal her purse. She tried to fight back, but it was no use. He already was pulling the trigger. It was horrible; she couldn’t even scream. And nobody would ever know, he must have thought, that is until he saw me. I quickly took a picture of him with my phone and took off through a neighborhood with him close on my tail. I was looking for a police patrol car. Today for some reason though, he wasn’t were he typically was trying to catch people in a speed trap. Oh great, I guess that means I have to keep looking for someone. All along though the man kept chasing me, so when I got to a steep concrete drainage ditch that I new he couldn’t run down, I tore off down it on my bike as fast as I could. I was trying to not stay in one spot though were he could get an aim on me. I was pedaling as fast as I could down that drainage ditch when I came to an heavily trafficked bridge. There he was; the officer who would save my life. I threw down my bike and started crawling up the steep wall to get out of the ditch. I had to be fast though, because he was at a red light, and I didn’t know how much longer it would last. Finally, I made it up and ran in front of his car seconds before the light turned green. I hopped in his cruiser and told him to drive to his station immediately. Officer, I promise he’s right behind me, please help! At this moment I knew the chase was over for now at least. Later when I had settled down a little bit I gave the full story to that officer, and he just drove me home and told me to stay there until further notice.