Officer, I promise he’s right behind me, please help!
I’m really sorry, sometimes I just get ahead of myself when I tell this story. It was one of the most troubling moments of my life though. So it all started when I was biking home from the grocery store that’s about three quarters of a mile down the road from my house. I was actually on my way back home from school. Well, after I had made two blocks headed west to home I saw them; it was terrible. It was a man with a pistol and a silencer gunning down a innocent woman to steal her purse. She tried to fight back, but it was no use. He already was pulling the trigger. It was horrible; she couldn’t even scream. And nobody would ever know, he must have thought, that is until he saw me. I quickly took a picture of him with my phone and took off through a neighborhood with him close on my tail. I was looking for a police patrol car. Today for some reason though, he wasn’t were he typically was trying to catch people in a speed trap. Oh great, I guess that means I have to keep looking for someone. All along though the man kept chasing me, so when I got to a steep concrete drainage ditch that I new he couldn’t run down, I tore off down it on my bike as fast as I could. I was trying to not stay in one spot though were he could get an aim on me. I was pedaling as fast as I could down that drainage ditch when I came to an heavily trafficked bridge. There he was; the officer who would save my life. I threw down my bike and started crawling up the steep wall to get out of the ditch. I had to be fast though, because he was at a red light, and I didn’t know how much longer it would last. Finally, I made it up and ran in front of his car seconds before the light turned green. I hopped in his cruiser and told him to drive to his station immediately. Officer, I promise he’s right behind me, please help! At this moment I knew the chase was over for now at least. Later when I had settled down a little bit I gave the full story to that officer, and he just drove me home and told me to stay there until further notice.
It was a rainy day when it all happened. We were over riding at my friends house. I was on my dirt bike. We had made it about four miles in the woods, and then my bikes engine blew up. I was at the back of a group of five others, and they never noticed me not there. I was pretty irritated because I had never been on those trails and didn’t know where I was at. So I had too wait ten minutes till they stopped and turned around and found me. By this time I was very frustrated, so I was somewhat relieved when my friend Preston told me to hop on the back of his four wheeler. It was really muddy outside that day so everyone was trying to spray each other doing burnouts, and so was Preston. We had already sprayed my other friends a couple of times and we were having a good time. Well we parked in front of my other friends that are twins with dirt bikes. We all sat and talked a little bit while letting our bikes cool down. After talking for what seemed like an hour we started up all our bikes, and obviously me and Preston wanted to spray our other friends. So we put the four wheeler in first gear, grabbed the front brake, and mashed the thumb throttle. We were spraying them for like fifteen seconds and I wasn’t really holding on and then without any warning Preston dropped the front brake. I was terrified, I was sliding off the back of the four wheeler with two dirt chasing us not so slowly. And then it happened, I fell off looking at two bikes coming right at me. Then I woke up in a cold sweat at my friends house. I was spending the night with all my friends to go riding the next day.
Courage is something that some have more of than others. I would not consider myself to have always been the courageous or confident type. I do wish now though that I would have had the courage that I have today two years ago. It all started then when I was always trying to be a part of a group of some sort at school, and I wouldn’t consider them to be real friends now. But my real friends were always scattered around it seemed, so I would try to alternate who I would hangout with, which wasn’t always as even as it should have been. It all got worse the next year though when I started sports, then I lost even more time to hangout with my real friends. The sports practices were all summer long also. Not to mention that school was getting harder because of adding extra activities. I was also always involved in our church, I would be there every Sunday morning and night, and don’t forget about Wednesdays either, or the church outings like camps in other states, or just work days around the church. I would also play music for them in two groups, in one I had played guitar for probably about two years. And the other one was newer and I was also singing while playing the music. Practices were hard for me, it was every Sunday and Wednesday night after church, sometimes it went three hours after church. Then about this time last year I had started getting sick with stomach problems, So I missed several weeks of school because of doctors appointments. Pass forward a couple of weeks, I finally got I diagnosis. Time to start my missed schoolwork of several weeks. It was all very stressful. One day when I was really stressed out everything went wrong very very fast. I randomly started hyperventilating. None of my family knew why that happened including me. At the end of that week it was still happening when I got stressed. The weeks to follow got worse, the stress resulting in me have random jerks in my body, and if it was bad enough I would have seizure’s. Some of the other things included falling sometimes, never feeling safe at all, and couldn’t handle bright lights and loud noises always, stuttering, and talking with weird accents. We went to doctors but most said it was me getting out of school for fun. I had doctors appointments where I was sent to the E.R. for the rest of the night for testing, but nothing was helpful. At this time I wasn’t able to keep going to my dads house because I just couldn’t handle it. If I haven’t already told you my parents are divorced and I would go back and forth in between their houses. Anyways my dad was not happy about this and could care less about any of this which didn’t come as a surprise to anyone really. Sometimes he would come into my moms house and yell at me and my brother to get in his car now or was going to grab us and put us in his car himself. Non of this helped, well months after this started we found out what I had, it was the diagnosis of FND or functional neurological disorder. Which basically just screwed up my nervous system for life. After several other months of knowing what I had we finally found a doctor that could help, but she was in Colorado and I was in Mississippi. We finally made it to Colorado and got the help I needed for months. When we finished there we came back home, but with FND it’s not something that you can just fix it’s something you have to learn to live with. At this time I still couldn’t go to my dads and he still didn’t care about how I felt at all. So we all decided we liked Colorado and moved there. And that is were I am right now in this story, still moving. But if I had only had the Courage to make the changes in my life I needed then, none of this would have ever even been thought of.
Debatably the best thing in life. For some it is fun, for some it is life. It varies depending on who you are and what you are doing. You may listen to relax, or it may just be to fill the unbearable silence that seems to linger in the air. But for me it is more. It is more than just life, It’s more than just something that I do to relax. It is my passion to wake up and think about the day, it is what I plan to build my life around. Music is something that I feel, it is something that I experience. I’m still working towards my big experience. I may just be a boy from Mississippi, but that doesn’t matter because what matters is how hard you are willing to work and for me it’s not an option. By the time I die you will have heard my name no matter if you like my music or not I will be everywhere and that is because I’m willing to work and that’s all that matters. I may not be popular now but I’m willing to change all of that. I’m am going to work however I’m able too persue this life that I dream of.
First thing that I’ve written about in this app sorry if it’s not what you thought it was this was just me rambling about my future ambitions.