Lights. Camera. Action.

I stared into his deep greed emerald eyes, giving the smallest of smiles. He plastered on a practiced smirk, grabbing my hand.

“So…” he said, looking to my face. “You love me too?”

I was so lost in his eyes that I couldn’t respond for a second. It was like I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to be saying.

Before I could recall, a loud voice shouted, “CUT!”

Ethan’s smile dropped and he glared at me. “Really Mae? We almost had it perfect!”

My fellow actor’s anger rolled off him like steam. Yet he wasn’t half as mad as Aaron, our director.

“What was that?” She shouted, grabbing her clipboard and furiously scribbling something down. “Your line is ‘yes’, nothing more, nothing less. I truly didn’t think I could ask for a simpler task!”

“Sorry,” I said, heat filling my cheeks. “I was a bit distracted.”

Ethen still stood and scowled at me, and I couldn’t help thinking he still looked handsome when he was mad.

“Mae!” Aaron yelled again. “Did you even hear me?”

I gave an apologetic smile, shrugging my shoulders.

“Everyone go take a break, we’ll regroup in t-minus ten minutes to reshoot the scene.”

The last part of the statement I could tell was directed at me. In my defense, Ethen was looking really good today. His dark hair was tousled just enough that it didn’t look immaculate or messy.

I immediately followed him to the food table.

“So…” I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. “How’s life?”

Ethen gave me his signature glare. “Why are you talking to me?”

I stumbled over my words for a second. “But—a few minutes ago you were talking to me.”

He laughed, deep and sarcastic. “Wow you really can’t tell the difference between acting and real life. Next your going to be telling me that you are actually in love with me.”

He met my eyes and saw the small glimmer of hope in them. Eyebrows shooting up, he grinned. “Wait—you actually do have a crush on me! That is so funny.”

“I—I…” I tried to say something, anything, but Ethen had already walked off, muttering and laughing to himself.

I walked back to the set, staying as far behind as I could. The next few minutes went by in a blur, and my mind was still frozen in shock by the immediate rejection.

I felt the makeup team brushing my face before I walked back on set to where Ethen was waiting.

“Action!” Aaron yelled.

Ethen didn’t waste time, pulling me in close. He reeked of insincerity.

“So… you love me too?”

I plastered a fake smile on my face, hoping he could see the promised payback in my eyes as they bore deep into his. Yes.”

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