Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
Life Without You
I’ve been searching for you everywhere
You are in every thought I process
Every car ride I take
Every tear I cry
And every memory I struggle to hold on to
I hear your laugh when someone tells a joke
I see your smile all the time when we pass a golf course
And ideas flow through my mind when I touch a piece of wood
I’ve been searching for you everywhere
235 days have gone by without you
And I refuse to believe that live just goes on
I don’t understand where you went
You were here one moment and gone the next
All thoughts of you travel through my mind constantly
I just don’t understand
Mom seems to think that you chose to leave because we were strong enough to take it
She was wrong
We are not strong but have no choice
I’ve been searching for you everywhere
Please tell me where you went
I promise I won’t tell anyone
I just want to see your face again
Hear your voice and laughter
Listen to you just one more time
Time stole that from me
I want it back
I’ve been searching for you everywhere